So, do you guys think Crytek have learned their lesson from Crysis 2 and the absolutely appauling communication and support for that game, or do you think they wil maintain their arrogant silence and ignore the bugs just as before, at least for us console gamers?
I for one think they are in dire need of a proper Community Manager and it staggers me they don't have one who communicates with the fan base through these forums, and the mods do not count as communicating.
Crytek, if you ever read this, head to the Rocksteady forums for Arkham City and you could learn an important lesson in how to treat your fans. They have a 6 million selling game for a reason. Just saying.
Have Crytek forever tarnished their reputation with you, or will you forgive all if they actually start communicating, and properly support Crysis 3?
1) all publisher that are under the wing of EA are for me tarnished!
2) all publisher that make games on multi-platform with a console core, will be a fail on pc. It will work and it will be playable, but it lacks alot of fine-tuning due to the console being the basis
3) Crysis 3 will be Directx11 from the start, which is a big plus compaired to part 2,BUT..... due to the consoles, this game will never be a big open world like part 1 and 1,5. The HW restrictions of the console will have a large influence on the level design, and the fact that they will port this to the pc, we on the pc will again get a stupid closed up world. Of course the world will be a bitt bigger then part 2, but never like the morther of crysis, namely part 1
4) and the last reason - and for me the reason to not buy this game - is the mandatory matter of origin. I would love to again give my heard earn money to crytek, but not to ea and their sad origin.
You expect the mods or admin on these forum to do more then you can hope for. You should be glad if they even read here and leave a comment or 2. EA owns crytek and therefor also makes the strategy.
Far Cry 3 is where you should be really add if you want to play on a island that is big and offers you more then 1 route
Maybe you should play STALKER looks like you might like it, it's great.
And maybe that might keep you busy so you don't keep stating the same thing on the forums over and over again.
Played them all on max, great serie, weak development and to bad 2 is not coming anymore

Then dont read my comments