» Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:47 pm
I hear ya there about the vote kicking... but the bow is neither OP or underpowered. Second I have seen the script for the autoaim on the bow and I can confirm its only for consoles, and the difference it makes is marginal. For me at least I doubt it will make any difference to my kills.. All removing it will do is probably get me vote kicked even more and anyone else who is good with a bow.
The gauss is totally different. This is a weapon that uses magnetic pulse waves to accelerate a projectile through the air. And in real world military testing, it has NO recoil. MagLift trains use the same technology to travel at high speed, to accelerate and slow down. The gauss, and Kvolt for that matter, should have ZERO recoil. If you have a physics degree or maths degree and can prove me wrong, then I will concede. If any of you have used a Tazer you will know it has no kick or recoil at all. So crytek really dropped the ball on this one.
Now... with all due respect, no one should be complaining about any of the weapons currently until they fix the seriously bad time lag, ping lag, hit count etc.. I have new video I took today of me trying to kill players with the bow and arrows going straight through them and not killing them. And in one case it took 20 arrows to make one kill.. this is just idiotic to be honest. and I will be making a formal complaint about it to crytek. I have nearly 47% accuracy with the bow, and I don't miss often. But when there is time lag, players teleporting all over the place, disappearing out of sight then reappearing somewhere totally different. NOTHING you do to the weapons will make any difference at all.
Another thing about the Bow is that this is not a normal bow, nor is it use by normal humans either. This game is about the future, and the bow is entirely feasible in reality. With nitrogen charged pistons, future composites, and the design. This weapon should be in reality extremely powerful and easily OHK across the full length of any map.
I have put a lot of hours into using the bow, and its my primary weapon for every map 98% of the time. There are so many other bugs and flaws in the game right now that weapon changes should have the lowest priority. Soon I will be posting a Guide on how to avoid being killed by me and other Bow snipers. I feel I need to educate some of these vote kicking idiots, as well as new comers and even veterans on how to avoid being taken our by the bow, and even gauss and dsg. There will be video and detailed explainations because I am pretty tired of being called a cheater, aimbotter, hacker just because I've had more practice, put in more hours and become better than most or even if I just had a good game.. Its extremely unfair and it needs to stop.