I like your game, I really do. Multiplayer is dope, I love it. You did an amazing job, and I respect that.
Unfortunately, your multiple updates against cheaters doesn't seem to be working, at all. I, and I'm sure bunch of other players, are getting quite tired of this. Switching from one server to another, every few rounds, is getting rather old. It's overwhelming and very saddening, I've never seen so much cheaters like this. What's going on?
The cheaters are killing the fun and the overall enjoyment of your game. Almost every server I play, someone is cheating/griefing. This is unacceptable, you need to do something, wake up guys!
I'm asking you, no wait... I'm begging you, give us the ability to initiate a vote kick. It worked well with other FPS, it will work for Crysis 2. It won't get abused, because it was never abused before. It just work.