Crytek Community Q&A

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:41 pm

Hey Crysis fans!

Well, we've managed to put together a small Q&A/Bio for you guys after some poll results came in through the Feedback & Support forum, over here.

We hope you find it at least mildly interesting! :D It's just a few tid-bits about us, our work and what little social lives we endure (well, I speak for myself, Tom's a bit of a party animal so I hear).

Feel free to ask some more questions below and we'll do our best to answer them. Please note that questions asked here in regards to Crysis 2 won't be answered so please keep it Crytek/Community related. First up is our fearless leader...

Senior Community Manager - Tom
Who are you?
I'm Tom, originally from South-East England, but I haven't lived there for going on 3 years now.

What do you do at Crytek?
I'm the Senior Community Manager at Crytek, basically I oversee all our Community activities from posting on Facebook or in the forums, through to capturing gameplay footage for the latest C2TV episode. The job also includes a lot of communication with other gaming media sites and fansites, plus a lot of planning :)

Why Crytek?
To be honest when I came to Crytek I was not a huge fan. I had a lot of respect for Crytek as a company and their technology, but at the time I was mostly playing Counter-Strike and Warcraft III, not so much Crysis. So the reason I came was the reputation of the company, and the people I met during my interview. Of course since arriving I've been converted completely, some of the work I see going on around me is mind blowing and I'm really looking forward to the release of Crysis 2 :)

How long have you worked there?
Approaching 2 years now, maybe I should have an anniversary party in the forums.

Favourite task?
Hard to pick, announcing awesome content is a good one, but I guess my favourite thing is attending events in the name of Crysis 2.

Currently working on?
Way too much to list, actually I'm going to leave this part fairly unanswered because you will see what I've been working on in the coming weeks up to Crysis 2 launch :)

Where else have you worked (related or not)?
Before Crytek I worked for a publisher on MMO titles. Before that I did some work with Valve, and before that I did community related work for gaming communities I had an interest in such as Warcraft III and Quake.

What background, education or experience did you have before becoming a Community Manager? What helped you the most in securing the role?
Pretty much what I put above. Education, I have an IT degree but that doesn't really factor into a job like this, mostly it's about previous experience and the way your head works. Although you wouldn't think it, some people are just not suited to a Community Manager's role. At least, not a Community Manager role at Crytek which consists of a lot more responsibility than posting on a forum like some other places.

Favourite game? Currently playing?
Favourite game of all time? Quake 3/Quakelive. I've never consistently played a game that long, from Quake 3 release up to now (with Quakelive) I've been playing at least once or twice a week. Game I am currently playing, I guess the easiest to list is League of Legends, I'm pretty active on that, however I'm also playing a bunch of console games including Red Dead Redemption, Fallout 3 and Castlevania.

What do you do in your spare time?
What spare time? With any time I can scraqe together I'm either playing the games mentioned above, out at the pub, or spending time with my girlfriend.

2011 new years resolution was?
To get fit. In my head this meant only eating things that were green and going to the gym 5 times a day. In reality I've managed to cut down on my daily sugar intake and I'm not sure how long I can keep this up.

If you could be one character from the Crysis series, who?
Admiral Richard Morrison, the guy is to be feared.

Community Representative - Adam
Who are you?
My name is Adam (could you guess?), I'm a 27 year old born and bred Aussie with an unhealthy appetite for gaming and technology.

What do you do at Crytek?
I'm a Community Representative for Crytek. I do, of course, work remotely from here in Australia as Crytek don't have any studios here, yet! (one can dream). It's my job to work with the community, the fans... YOU! To help bring the latest news, media and info about Crysis 2 to the world over.

Why Crytek?
Can you think of a reason why not?! The company is a giant social and professional network of like-minded people, with over 700 employees, multiple studios all around the world, a huge and loyal fan-base but the two most important things that draw me to Crytek is their healthy disrespect for the impossible and the trust they put in their staff to flourish their own creative visions.

How long have you worked there?
Early November 2010 is when I started. Still got that "new car" smell.

Favourite task?
Sharing news with the fans. Whether it's the forums going down for some updates, a novel announcement or a new competition, I can't wait to share the news via twitter, facebook and the forums.

Currently working on?
Piecing this article together, actually! Also getting the gamesas and Facebook image galleries up to date.

Where else have you worked (related or not)?
I've had a few I.T. related jobs, the most important one would be looking after the network infrastructure for poker/gambling machines across the state, which equates to about 400 connections & 4000 machines total. Lots of paper work, lots of late night shifts and energy drinks! I've also done sales and customer service roles.

What background, education or experience did you have before becoming a Community Rep? What helped you the most in securing the role?
My previous work experiences helped me, I'm sure. I come from a sales & customer service background so I'm generally pretty good with people, I think. I finished high school and then attended a private college for my I.T. certification, which awarded me "MCP" level credentials.

Favourite game? Currently playing?
Favourite game of all time? Damn, that's tough. Whilst there's so many good games out there, I've gotta give it to Bioshock for it's epic story and gameplay. Currently playing on PC: Starcraft 2 and on 360: Forza 3.

What do you do in your spare time?
I own a Suzuki 500cc road bike, so I do spend quite an exorbitant amount of time on such a potentially dangerous machine. I'm also really into my music and play a Roland TD6 V-drum kit which accounts for the majority of my exercise!

2011 new years resolution was?
To procrastinate less. So far, not doing too bad!

If you could be one character from the Crysis series, who?
Well it definitely wouldn't be Aztec... I'd have to say Prophet. He's mysterious, a leader and a total bad-ass.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:27 am

Wheres Sheninigans?
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:30 pm

Are you guys over @Crytek still hiring over the net?
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CSar L
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:03 am

nice interview, i enjoyed reading it :)
just a couple of questions:
where is Lee's interview?
Is Tom the guy that puts all the new media together, like the trailers and such or he is the guy who decides what goes in and what gets cut? Cause im not sure if i understood right what is his role on it
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:42 pm

Wheres Sheninigans?

lol. :P

Shin is Adam! :D
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:18 pm

Wheres Sheninigans?

He's gone undercover as Cry-Adam.

Are you guys over @Crytek still hiring over the net?

Yes! check out for all job positions at all studios.

nice interview, i enjoyed reading it :)
just a couple of questions:
where is Lee's interview?
Is Tom the guy that puts all the new media together, like the trailers and such or he is the guy who decides what goes in and what gets cut? Cause im not sure if i understood right what is his role on it

So much for our secret weapon introduction...

My role is generally to oversee community, ensure we have web updates, what's in them, how the website looks, etc and chasing people around the office to do things like release a dev diary, or give us a screenshot we can show you guys, and generally make sure our community guys at gamesas and crymod are doing what they're meant to :) It gets a little more in-depth than that but i think that gives a nice overview.
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Rob Smith
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:07 pm

Nice interviews guys! It sounds awesome there. I'd like to apply for level design within the next couple of months once Crysis 2 is complete.

I have question about 3D. I seem to recall seeing an anaglyph option in one of the Sandbox3 demo's. Will Crysis 2 support anaglyph (red/cyan) 3D? I'd really love to play Crysis 2 in 3D without having to get a new monitor to support it.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:22 pm

Do you have any plans to continue the Time Splitters franchise with the Crytek UK studio? (please say yes)
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:16 pm

Wow never knew there was THAT much Crytek studios
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:43 am

This is nice. I always thought Q & A's are great, and that brings me to my first question. Will we get a chance at some Q & A with the devs for C2 MP? It would be awesome.

Any thoughts on a Crytek retail store?

Assuming you guys are duking it out daily, who is the reigning champ of MP in the company?

Any chance we will see anymore dev diaries like the last one? I enjoyed that one better than video.

Any plans for new contests?
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:18 am

Adam, when is that London Event?

Also Im dying from lack of Crysis 2 information this close to launch. Please tell me my fix is coming soon.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:53 am

I have question about 3D. I seem to recall seeing an anaglyph option in one of the Sandbox3 demo's. Will Crysis 2 support anaglyph (red/cyan) 3D? I'd really love to play Crysis 2 in 3D without having to get a new monitor to support it.
That's a tough question, since I believe nothing has been announced about this. I will hazard a guess, (please note guess) and say it does. I'll try to get that confirmed for you though.

Do you have any plans to continue the Time Splitters franchise with the Crytek UK studio? (please say yes)
I couldn't comment on whether we will be continuing the Time Splitters franchise any time soon, but having all those developers right there and a demanding market, it wouldn't make sense to just rule it out entirely, in my humble opinion.

Will we get a chance at some Q & A with the devs for C2 MP? It would be awesome.
There is a good chance of this happening soon :)

Any thoughts on a Crytek retail store?
Yes, I would like to see one.

Assuming you guys are duking it out daily, who is the reigning champ of MP in the company?
I would say the testers at Crytek UK are the current champs. There's not too much multiplayer going on in Frankfurt so we don't get to show them what's up too often, although in the last multiplayer test I believe Cry-Sam (from Crymod) came out on top of the Frankfurt office.

Any chance we will see anymore dev diaries like the last one? I enjoyed that one better than video.
Yes there is a chance for more dev diaries like the last one, plus some more in a different format. There's a lot of cool stuff coming up and hopefully towards the end of January/start of February we'll get to show some of it off :)

Any plans for new contests?
Plans yes, something to announce, no. I would recommend you keep an eye on both gamesas and our social network channels ( since contests could appear on any of them.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:24 pm

You answered all their questions! Your amazing Cry-tom!
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:42 pm

Very nice Q&A. :)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:03 am

There's a lot of cool stuff coming up and hopefully towards the end of January/start of February we'll get to show some of it off :)

Finally, i hope now everyone can shut up about 'we want news' till february at least
im also looking forward to some news but this forum is getting overloaded with this kind of topics and posts everywhere
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:19 pm

Thank you for the answers! I liked them too.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:05 pm

There's a lot of cool stuff coming up and hopefully towards the end of January/start of February we'll get to show some of it off :)

Finally, i hope now everyone can shut up about 'we want news' till february at least
im also looking forward to some news but this forum is getting overloaded with this kind of topics and posts everywhere

Finally, an official statement :D
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Donald Richards
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:15 am

It's great that you guys are doing this, i find that community here is very good =)
Question : thoughts on a chat for the site, like one on facebook or just a general chat zone, where all can talk directly with one an other.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:21 am

IS i possible that we might get DLC for Multiplayer.

DLC for Single player isnt my thing but after awhile I would think DLC would be a option to continue the MP after like 4 months.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:59 pm

IS i possible that we might get DLC for Multiplayer.

DLC for Single player isnt my thing but after awhile I would think DLC would be a option to continue the MP after like 4 months.
Please note that questions asked here in regards to Crysis 2 won't be answered so please keep it Crytek/Community related.

thoughts on a chat for the site, like one on facebook or just a general chat zone, where all can talk directly with one an other. Interesting question/idea. The problem with a live chat hosted on an official space requires 100x more moderation in order to keep everything 'safe'. We could certainly investigate the idea; i'm not sure if there's something already in the works for this already though. :)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:41 am

Do you guys often get nice breaks like the table tennis one for some post-lunch relaxation, like in the latest dev diary?

Have you guys been thinking of a weekly poll or developer interview like we used to do on the old gamesas website?

When will more information about GFace be released, or is their anything you can tell us about it now? What the heck is it?

Does Cevat ever get the studio into a mass meeting for motivation/ideas, or do you guys tend to stay branched into smaller sections?

Is there any chance of RealTime Immersive developing a real video game similar to the tech videos we have been shown?

When will Cry-Mod be getting a re-skin update? Is no Crysis 2 update for CryMod a sign of no editor being released for Crysis 2?

Has Crytek ever thought about hosting their own master server instead of GameSpy? How about creating a multi-media gaming application similar to Steam and Xfire?
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:41 am

Wow that's a lot of questions, i'll see how many i can get through.

Do you guys often get nice breaks like the table tennis one for some post-lunch relaxation, like in the latest dev diary?
Breaks can be taken to play table tennis almost any time (within reason), actually a lot of people find that breaking to play a game for a few minutes, or going for a walk can be a lot more beneficial to their creativity than sitting in the office just trying to grind through it to meet deadlines.

Have you guys been thinking of a weekly poll or developer interview like we used to do on the old gamesas website?
There is a chance the weekly poll could return, and it likely will post launch. Right now we're focused on other things, one being more info from the devs themselves, so there's a good chance an interview like article will re-appear :)

When will more information about GFace be released, or is their anything you can tell us about it now? What the heck is it?
There's not much to be said about GFace at this time, except it's used to power gamesas.

Does Cevat ever get the studio into a mass meeting for motivation/ideas, or do you guys tend to stay branched into smaller sections?
We have meetings which include the whole studio, but not for collective idea sharing, mostly to keep everyone informed of what's going on. For a giant brain storm I believe they would just invite the designers/devs.

Is there any chance of RealTime Immersive developing a real video game similar to the tech videos we have been shown?
I couldn't say.

When will Cry-Mod be getting a re-skin update? Is no Crysis 2 update for CryMod a sign of no editor being released for Crysis 2?
CryMod will be updated at some point, when there is a reason to update it. And no, the lack of change is no indication of the release of an editor or not.

Has Crytek ever thought about hosting their own master server instead of GameSpy? How about creating a multi-media gaming application similar to Steam and Xfire?
I'm sure it has been considered at some point, however if there's any plans for this to actually happen I could not say.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:13 am

Thanks for the answers, I liked them a lot. :)
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Rach B
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:52 am

good QA, i like how Tom is more open now in answering, lot has changed since the Eddy-age(old time members will understand what i mean hehe)

got another question: what would you guess is the most consumed drink in the office?

Could you estimate how much people in crytek are directly involved in crysis 2(devs/marketing/community etc)

Now release gets closer do you guys work longer days to finish it off? the so called crunch time(the thing with rockstar a while ago)

Any plans for a nice players vs devs event close after launch(like done in CW)?

im sure a lot of people like that, for fun and to test skills against crytek people and it shows you care about community
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:30 pm

got another question: what would you guess is the most consumed drink in the office?
Coke, or water, it's a tough call. I know everyone tries to fit in some water to be healthy but some people have about 200 coke bottles on their desk. Coffee is probably a close 3rd.

Could you estimate how much people in crytek are directly involved in crysis 2(devs/marketing/community etc)
Close to 400 I would imagine.

Now release gets closer do you guys work longer days to finish it off? the so called crunch time(the thing with rockstar a while ago)
Yeah, that's just natural with any big game release, the closer you get the more you want to cram in time to perfect all the little things. It's always more relaxed in the early stages.

Any plans for a nice players vs devs event close after launch(like done in CW)?
This is possible, IF it happens keep an eye on gamesas, it'll be announced here :)
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