Crytek Dilemma

Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:01 pm

It is obvious that Crytek was Struggling with its Power. At first it was too Yerli to tell, but then Nathan came and tried to end the Crysis. People wanted the X, but it didn't Directly go to 11. People hoped for Tess, but it was too Late. The game is not much of a Sandbox either; it is too Alien to us.

It makes us Cry, that it is so difficult to get a Match in the Making. This was not the Tek we expected.

Another Con of the game, is the limited Sole, whose sole purpose was to enhance our Experience. Maybe it is to prevent us from getting more Points?

Your fans have stopped Spinning. Now they only go for the Meat.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:02 pm

Another one of THESE threads, except with creativity. +1 for the creativity, but the thread is just a usual hate one I suppose
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