» Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:59 am
God, save this thread from idiots who cant keep reasonable discussion...
Can you freaking stop offtopin and flaming about minor ****?
**** concentrate on major thing of this topic!
oh god first u **** whine about DX11 now u dont want DX11? make ur **** minds and stop QQing like ****.
Can you read?
Why do you think there is a word JUST before DX11??? If you did not get it - i didnt say "We dont need DX11" i said "DX11 is not enough for us, and you should make much more than JUST DX11 patch" can you dig it?
What an unrealistic and self-indulgent list. If you don't like the game fair enough (I agree that the campaign is too linear, too short and the AI generally fails), but don't expect the company to effectively remake the game.
PS Alcatraz doesn't talk because he's practically dead and the suit is keeping him alive (Gould lists all of Alcatraz's injuries early on in the game). Did anyone actually follow the plot?
I mentioned a lot of **** including high res texture pack, if you think its unrealistic, than you dont know the history of game industry and Crytek itself.
1st Crytek did once patch with HIGH RES texture and high poly models and lot of additional tuning of gfx and gameplay - that was back in Far Cry times, Crytek release AMD 64 patch which included all that enhancements.
So its piece of cake for them to release high res texture, tweaked maps, new gameplay features it only cost some money and time, which they have, but depending of their level of greediness they may spend them or may not, anyway, Crytek will not be bankrupt if they will spend extra 1 000 000 and 6 month to FINISH this pre-alpha Crysis 2 crap they released and give us real final version instead of half cut semi-finished console port crap (actually console version not any better and need a lot of improvement too, but i dont care about console versions too much, at least console boyz got game which pushing consolez to limits, while we got game that is inferior comparing to it predecessor of 2007 year) we have now.
And like this guy notticed
seal100, no, he is talking to solve the points that are not coherent. Someones are simpler (distances, as example) other more complex: covertures, etc.
At the same time he is saying these to take example from CD Projekt, who reseale the Witcher game, a very good game, but take notice of the community, anotate the bugs, and release the game as a new game, and a very big patch at the same time... winning the hearts of the users for their way to do the things.
By now I only want dx11... cause I am not playing the game... but if some of these things are true... it will be good to ad some of them. At least the most simple ones.
i also mentioned another example of how not so reach and famous CD Projekt Red studios released game, listened community, spend extra 1 year and reinvented half of game so it became most advanced RPG game of that year and ramains best RPG of last 5 year even now (actually i started to play The Witcher when enhanced edtition was released, and i can say that it was my most enjoyable RPG expirience in last 5 years, nor oblivion, nor Dragon Age, not even Fallout 3 gave me as much joy as Witcher gave... actually Dragon Age completely retarded and outdated comparing to Witcher Enhanced Edition. and Wither is more original and well developed than Oblivion and Fallout 3 which makes witcher best of all latest RPGs).
So Crytek still have chance to make same thing as CD project Red did - they still can reinvent bad parts of Crysis 2, and re-release enhanced Maximum edition of Crysis 2.5 and patch current copies with really major patch.
And actually there are more companies like CD Project which reinventing games after release and wining love of consumers - Valve for example!
Take a look at game that initially was released, and take a look at them now - half of games was re-invented and enhanced, Valve even ugraded old games to new versions of their Source engine, they added new modes, totaly reinvented many of gameplay elemens. So games was redesigned little by little. Valve even changed ending of Portal to announce Portal 2 and build the bridge between them (they added radio transmitions with encoded pictures, new cut scene in the end, new and not very easy to get achievement etc).
Games likve L4D received new game modes, new maps, etc. TF2 was totally reinvented.
Valve is one of the best example of post launch support - why cant Crytek follow Valve and CD project Red step? They can really! And lets hope they do, otherwise most of us will never trust Crytek and will never buy any of their games.
And there are more examples - Id software, Blizzard (Starcraft, WC3, WOW - they are all get patch even 10 years after release) and even Epic in past (before they consolized completely, their last major pc game UT3 was pretty much reinvented with patches)
And u say that unrealistic?? You wrong, im not asking for anything unrealistic, im asking for what Crytek can do if they want to restore reputation!
Its only matter of greediness - Crytek may select option to save money and dont do anything, and they will loose costumers and profit in future, or they may select option to spend money now for extra half of year of developemen of Crysis 2 and they will win more money in future, because we will still be able to trust them and will forgive them this fail, if they will fix it properly.
P.S. - and to smartass who think that Alcatraz do not speak for reason he is "dead" - Dude, when Alcatraz was on Sub, why he was silent back then when he was pretty much alive?))))
Stop giving pathetic excuses for poorly written script and bad design decisions and attempt of Crytek to make game cheaper without extra voice casting for Alcatraz)