Crytek: We dont need ONLY DX11! List of things you owe us:

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:57 pm

I don't think Alcatraz doesn't need to talk. It will mess up the story, since

At the end, Alcatraz was Prophet all along

And maybe I'm just grateful for what I'm getting, but Crysis 2 is the most beautiful game I ever played. It's also a lot better than the console versions, since i've seen those too

As I understood it the suit logged a memory of prophet (you begin to see his image in the later stages of the game when the "suit" speaks to you), and that memory ended up taking over, so to speak. The body inside the suit is probably more dead than alive (as witnessed when your in the lab and the doctor goes through the stuff thats wrong with Alcatraz :P), and since the suit IS prophet, so to speak, Alcatraz becomes Prophet.

If you ever played WoW it'd be the equivalent of the whole Arthas+Ner'zhul = Lich King thing. At least it struck me a hell of a lot like it.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:08 am

Hmm that is according to an article I read in a magazine when DX11 was released. Could be that they failed to implement this, but I doubt it.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:00 pm

"Owe" us?

Well see, that's **** ignorant and it'll probably make Crytek not even want to read this thread because of how much of a jerk the OP is.

Anyways, for the most part, Crytek is pretty much giving us DX11, Sandbox Editor 3, and advanced options along with fixed bugs and stuff through patches. That's it. You want something else? Get a mod, make a mod, or ask for it. And be appreciative of what Crytek is trying to do now, asshole. Ask, do not demand. Demanding is NOT the way to go. Idiot.


relax op, give it some time.

I do believe cryengine 3 has a chance to be great, demanding this or that just blows
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John Moore
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:23 am

Do you know why Crytek lost hope in pc gaming? Because most of the people download Crysis 2. This is what we deserve for downloading games.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:26 am

Dude I don't know if you remember but the Witcher was a buggy MESS on release. The same character model was used for dozens of characters (main characters even: Luvardin was seen everywhere). Even their damn forum didn't work. Login didn't work. It was a fukn mess UNTIL EE came out. And this developer even said something along the lines of "we believe in doing things right the first time" and then their launch was a disaster.

I'm not defending either Witcher or Crysis 2, but don't point to the Witcher as a model of good gaming software. I do NOT want Crysis 2 EE one year from now. Finish the product, release it, patch MINOR bugs, and move on.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:56 am

Warc - thats why i mentioned Witcher - it was a mess at start, but they spend extra year to clean mess, and reinvented many major and minor part of game and made enhanced edition, so i suggest Crytek to follow CD Project Red steps, Crysis 2 is mess, forums and login problems exist too (gamesas is actyally still beta if anyone missed this part). So since Crysis 2 is pretty same what Withcer was at start - enhanced or "maximum edition" of Crysis 2 with high res textures, recreated advanced AI, DX10\11, physics and so on.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:23 pm

"Owe" us?

Well see, that's **** ignorant and it'll probably make Crytek not even want to read this thread because of how much of a jerk the OP is.

Anyways, for the most part, Crytek is pretty much giving us DX11, Sandbox Editor 3, and advanced options along with fixed bugs and stuff through patches. That's it. You want something else? Get a mod, make a mod, or ask for it. And be appreciative of what Crytek is trying to do now, asshole. Ask, do not demand. Demanding is NOT the way to go. Idiot.

...but you agree with the rest of his post? you spend alot of time defending this game on this forum but you never have any constructive critisism that would benefit the game in its current state. this game is obviously not finished and theres still alot of work to make this game into the game that was showcased and advertised to the public. maybe the consumers arent "owed" anything just like how bait and switching is legal. do you have any fiscal affiliation with crytek, ea, or its subsidiaries silent?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:56 pm

Just ignore any post from SilentPhenomed

this stupid troll conflicting with everyone here and calling everyone retards, because he is only one real retard here, but dont tell him))

Actually thread was created for list of thing that should be added with major patch, not for flame wars with trolls like SilentPhenomed.

So can anyone add something i missed to list?
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:43 am

No read any post...except the First.

We dont need any of your DX10 Stuff.....cause many more People go with Time and bought some Good Hardware for Future.....DX11 is now...phps 12 is future...and ur dam DX10 is pfffft!

If u do s ur Problem...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:33 am

Are you freaking idiot or what?
Actually right now gave have antient DX9 only, and dont have nor DX10 neither DX11 (which should be sincerely called DX10.5 because there is no major difference) so why heck you saying this?
Can you imagine how stupid would be game that supports DX9 and DX11 and no DX10?))
Also my card is about year old and faster than some of DX11 cards, i bought it right month before 1st DX11 cards was released, so im not freaking outdated or something and whole DX11 just a marketing trick, because its basically a DX10 with tessellation. And you should know that very small amount of users have DX11 cards now.
And there is nothing really hard in making proper DX10\11 support, actually there is pretty big compatibility, just except tessellation and some minor things, so i want to be sure that Crytek will not screw DX11 version like Rebellion did with AvP3, which supported everything only on DX11 cards, when everything except tessellation supposed to work the same on DX10 cards.
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JR Cash
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:35 am

I don't think Alcatraz doesn't need to talk. It will mess up the story, since

At the end, Alcatraz was Prophet all along

And maybe I'm just grateful for what I'm getting, but Crysis 2 is the most beautiful game I ever played. It's also a lot better than the console versions, since i've seen those too

As I understood it the suit logged a memory of prophet (you begin to see his image in the later stages of the game when the "suit" speaks to you), and that memory ended up taking over, so to speak. The body inside the suit is probably more dead than alive (as witnessed when your in the lab and the doctor goes through the stuff thats wrong with Alcatraz :P), and since the suit IS prophet, so to speak, Alcatraz becomes Prophet.

If you ever played WoW it'd be the equivalent of the whole Arthas+Ner'zhul = Lich King thing. At least it struck me a hell of a lot like it.

Nope I've never played WoW, but what you're saying makes a lot of sense!


About The Witcher, if a bad game is bad and gets better when an enhanced edition comes out after a year, I still see it as a bad game. Sounds lame, but I'm not waiting for some updates so I can play a game when there are many other games to play, but we're getting off the subject.

Why can't we be happy with what we get? Crysis 2 is stunningly beautiful even if it's on DX9. The game isn't broken and I haven't seen any bugs on my playthrough. Can't we just have a fun time playing than biching about slightly better graphics?
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:17 am

Dude, you need to visit eye doctor, and perhaps brain doctor too, because you saying irrational things that contradict each other.

"if a bad game is bad and gets better when an enhanced edition comes out after a year, I still see it as a bad game." + "Why can't we be happy with what we get? Crysis 2 is stunningly beautiful even if it's on DX9. The game isn't broken and I haven't seen any bugs on my playthrough." = TOTAL FAIL.

Dude, if you will ever try to read 1st post, and at least one thread on this forum, you will find over 9000 bugs, and that we aint bichin about graphics only, we bichin about low quality of game which is worse than original. And no, we can have fun with this broken, dongraded alpha version we have now, so Crytek really needs 6-12 to bring us FINAL RELEASE.

How come you missed half of my post which was gameplay related?

And for everyone who says "Crytek owe us nothing", hell no! They owe us everything - because we pay for that game 60$ each, and because we paid for previous Crytek games, which made them rich, despite all their attempts to cry about "pc piracy".

Their salary comes from our pockets, so they owe us, no matter what you, some idiots, think about that. Its not free game, and not cheap 9$ game, so we have legal right to demand, and their legal duty to follow our demands!

So hell yeah, they owe us everything they promised and everyhing we had in Crysis, coz we paid for one advertised product, and received another which just half of what was advertised and even this hafl in semi-broken state.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:09 pm

that's really what we need.
actually i ,as well as many other people, are considering whether to buy this game or not because of the console-class graphcic
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Steve Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:19 am

Dear Crytek, the PC community can't force you to make these changes. And if everyone in the PC community refused to buy your games (which is unlikely, because we always seem to have an absurd amount of naive hope that we won't get back stabbed by the developers we supported in their early days) you'd probably still be fine financially now that you are developing for consoles.

But making half baked multi platform games means you are no longer the cutting edge of gaming technology on any platforms. Crytek used to mean the best of the best, the bench mark that the latest hardware was tested against. Now? Meh. I suppose implementing direct x 11 will make your game that much prettier (and it is pretty). But it will still be littered with bugs, and it will still be sub par. Perhaps the next game you guys make will blow us away, maybe you will actually release an amazing patch that will make crysis 2 the game it should have been. But for now, Crytek is just another developer making multiplatform games that suffer in quality because of crappy ports. Just like Treyarch, or Dice, or Infinity Ward.

Crytek used to mean 'the best', now it just means 'pretty damn good' and if things like this continue it will eventually just mean 'passable'.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:15 am

This post has a flaw. It askes for DX10 support as well...but this isn't necessary. You can run DX10/10.1 mode in DX11 quite happily, it just doesn't as you say run Tesselation/SM5.0/advanced AA. However you do get the benefit of multi-threaded rendering and a better optimised API. Plus it'll use everything available in DX10.1, as DX11 is simply an expanded 10.1 anyway.

Having a DX11 rendering path is quite sufficient to bring this game up from it's dingy DX9 era visuals, however higher res textures are required.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:47 pm

what can dx11 do for you

crytek fangirls can learn something

Look at DICE, they were never known for graphics or sound. Yet they were motivated to bring cutting edge graphics and awesome sound to pc sku.
And with BF3 they are taking risk to go dx11 only. Kudos to them.

While DICE seems to evolve as a developer, Crytek the makers for FarCry adn Crysis seem to de-evolve with crysis 2. I know there is money in consoles but also lot of competition and short attention span gamers.

I recommend that Nathan Carmillo should be fired immediatly because he is bad news and he is bring his half baked console gaming mentality to Crytek. He is like a carcinogenic tumor that should be surgically removed. I seriously hope he is not involved in Dx11 patch
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:24 am

I'll pay day 1 for crysis 3 if they make it a PC first game. By that i mean, developed on PC for PC, then they can scale/dumb down the console versions. Low/medium/high/veryhigh/extreme. High should be console standard. Very high should be crysis 1 standard. Extreme should look even better (maybe crysis 2 cutscene standard)
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Ellie English
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:53 am

Agreed. This sums up very nicely what Crytek owes us.

Judging by what the PC gaming community has been saying, Crytek will either fix everything and clear its tarnished reputation, make Crysis 3 a console exclusive, or simply move on to something other than Crysis. I hope it's the first one.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:24 am

What i relly wanna have back is the "r_displayinfo 1" Carv!!!
I want to see how much FPS I? heaving and what renderpath is uset ect.!!!!
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:06 am

I agree with some claims but to be fair most are unrealistic to implement, besides, you can't 'claim' anything.
Demanding that they change their game because you want it?
Jeesh I would like a jetpack and a ridable unicorn in this game but its not in there so I guess I'll have to start a picket line in front of their offices.
Also the game box just lists DX9 so be glad they are working on this and other important bugs.

calm down, patience, you'll make the world a better place.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:47 pm

Please correct me........

I think Battlefield 3......will only use DX10 up to 11!

So all older GPU are not work....

So there will be Games who will exclusive use or abuse Users to run only at a specific DX Version...

I remember in past there are some Games too at DX10 Release with no Fallback...
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James Shaw
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:36 am

Agreed. payed teh money, but the game was not what I thought was shown in teh tech demos. Crytek has to fix it or choose not to.

Crytek used to be the best and greatest and can still be if they are brave enough to implement what should have been in the game in the first place. however this is highly unlikely guys. i mean what kind of people would release "Crysis 2" in such a state, especially after what the original Crysis managed to acheive? now we expect a fix from these same guys?

despite that im hoping beyond hope that the real Crytek guys are in there somewhere and stand up and say "ENOUGH LETS FIX THIS GAME! MAXIMUM EVERYTHING!" and do a miracle patch. I know you can do it real Crytek guys (not the fake COD - Nanosuit edition Crytek guys)
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Rach B
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:02 pm

Recently crytek is not doing anything on pc front right, so I am cautiously optimistic. Anyways if the patch comes after may 17, I will be too busy to care. I would be wasting my time on The Witcher 2

If Crytek redeems themselves with proper dx11 implementation and good hd textures, I am willing to by some DLCs that are worth the money
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:13 pm

I only read the 1st Post.

100% Agree.
We need Cryengine 2. Modding community, get on it. :)

You, crytek, promised so many features. And I only can find ONE of them ingame: The AI.
"achieved with CryEngine 3" sounds like a bad joke.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:59 am

Yes. Please make C2 into a real PC game.

The physics are dissapointing, the AI is dissapointing, the Open-ness of the maps is illusory and dissapointing. The graphics are nice in style , but technically dissapointing as well.

The Hand-holding that was added for the casual console players is enraging too. I DONT need the damn objects to get "highlighted" in blue or whatever to let me know I can interact with it.. talk about breaking immersion.. and the suit that keeps telling me "tactical options are available" ?? WTH am I 10 years old? Of course there's options available it's the point of the game, stop spamming me and showing me where to go ffs.

God forbid someone gets lost for a second and isn't shown exactly where to go and where the ammo crates are and where you can flank. They might have to think for a second or two longer and then they'd run out of their 15 minutes of gaming time because the pizza-pockets are finished.
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