Crytek: We dont need ONLY DX11! List of things you owe us:

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:08 am

I agree with DX10 instead of DX11, but DX11 is anyway for those who are buying a graphics card 600 $

I got Dx11 and my card costs around 170$
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:48 am

so many retards think dx11 cards are costly........with dx11 you get good effects with high fps. Is it too hard to understand?
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:50 pm

Please correct me........
I think Battlefield 3......will only use DX10 up to 11!
So all older GPU are not work....

If I get your meaning, DX9 was bound to disappear sooner rather than later. How many games support DX8?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 pm

ppl were waiting for a reason to upgrade....bf3 is the reason to upgrade. Now dont give the the bull agrument that you can max out every game with ur pathetic little card and that crysis is unoptimized cos u cant max it out.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:48 am

i very much would like the whole "tatical options available thing to go away". I'm not an idiot i can tell which spots would be good for it takes exploration out of the game. without it i would scan my area, think...hey that spot would be good for sniping...then go find a rifle. Or i'd spend some time moving around and tagging all enemies, watch their movement patterns, then decide a route to avoid them....instead i'm given "FLANK HERE NOOB". I can try to ignore it but it just blares you in the face.

Also the backdrop on interactable items is dumb. It looks dumb and i dont need a car highlighted in red to know i can kick it.
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Quick draw II
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:24 am

Yes Yes Yes! Especially better textures and models. LOL it takes less time to release full unedited textures than it does to process them to reduce the quality.
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ILy- Forver
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:55 am

I knew that the game wouldbe dumbed down when i heard it was comming out for consoles as well but i accepted that since devs want to make as much money as possible. on the other hand I think PC gamers are acting like a bunch of whiney kids. acting like Crytek owes you this and that.

I'm a little annoyed at little things like no lean or prone and no hud or voice options. Those are little things though and yes i am pissed that no DX 11 on launch. But thegame looks great regardless. I havent started the campaing yet but everyone who i know who has played it say its really fun. So reall thats what matters most to me.

If only the rampant cheating online would get fxed id be happy.

Just be happy that even dumbeddown for consoles its still a very good game.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:30 am

The models look so bad in Crysis 2. To the people who say that the models in Crysis 2 look better than in Crysis 1, are you running on at least 1920 x 1080 resolution? They look JUST "ok" on that setting. On 2560 x 1600 resolution, they look like utter crap. Higher resolutions are even worse.

Don't even get me started on how models look in stereo 3D.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:18 am

Do people not realise that DX11 will run on DX10 GPU's, just you won't get all the DX11 features running.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:28 pm

bump......and wat about the I always have to click 10 times to switch to a resolution. How hard is it to create a dropdown list.........
The menus are too consolish, too much wasted space. Take a hint from BC2 and how they implemented pc menus. God, their laziness and unwillingness is through the roof.

And plz dont hire the story guy again, he just wasted ur money. I remember him taking a stab at Halo. Halo's universe is much more complex and dark and very well written.

Did you just complain that the menus are too consolish? Get the **** off the forums please. And do not call yourself a true gamer, you're embarassing me and many other people. You just complained about something so small and insignificant. Plus, control-friendly (NOT consolish) menus, which is what Crysis 2 has, is a win-win for everyone, because all controls can use the menu.

Go away.
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:08 am

"Owe" us?

Well see, that's **** ignorant and it'll probably make Crytek not even want to read this thread because of how much of a jerk the OP is.

Anyways, for the most part, Crytek is pretty much giving us DX11, Sandbox Editor 3, and advanced options along with fixed bugs and stuff through patches. That's it. You want something else? Get a mod, make a mod, or ask for it. And be appreciative of what Crytek is trying to do now, asshole. Ask, do not demand. Demanding is NOT the way to go. Idiot.

...but you agree with the rest of his post? you spend alot of time defending this game on this forum but you never have any constructive critisism that would benefit the game in its current state. this game is obviously not finished and theres still alot of work to make this game into the game that was showcased and advertised to the public. maybe the consumers arent "owed" anything just like how bait and switching is legal. do you have any fiscal affiliation with crytek, ea, or its subsidiaries silent?

I made my constructive criticism on the actual sticky threads by the mods when necessary. I really don't need to ask for much because Crytek is giving what I want already: fixes, DX11, and sandbox editor 3. I already stated various constructive crticisms AND i stated that i know this game is unfinished multiple times on the forums and that initially I was pissed about the game. But I understood why things were how they were and I know Crytek is hard at work to deliver what we want, which is why I still support.
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:48 am

DX9 no longer supports good PC games. FACT!
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sunny lovett
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:36 am

bump......and wat about the I always have to click 10 times to switch to a resolution. How hard is it to create a dropdown list.........
The menus are too consolish, too much wasted space. Take a hint from BC2 and how they implemented pc menus. God, their laziness and unwillingness is through the roof.

And plz dont hire the story guy again, he just wasted ur money. I remember him taking a stab at Halo. Halo's universe is much more complex and dark and very well written.

Did you just complain that the menus are too consolish? Get the **** off the forums please. And do not call yourself a true gamer, you're embarassing me and many other people. You just complained about something so small and insignificant. Plus, control-friendly (NOT consolish) menus, which is what Crysis 2 has, is a win-win for everyone, because all controls can use the menu.

Go away.

stop being a fangirl.....I know u have daddy issues and u are actively looking for that father figure in crytek. But please stop, u come around as a desperate woman.

I am not calling myself a true gamer and I dont care about ur or any other's embarrassment
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:41 am

Get a DX11 card already, its time to upgrade.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:31 am

I agree with some claims but to be fair most are unrealistic to implement, besides, you can't 'claim' anything.
Demanding that they change their game because you want it?
Jeesh I would like a jetpack and a ridable unicorn in this game but its not in there so I guess I'll have to start a picket line in front of their offices.
Also the game box just lists DX9 so be glad they are working on this and other important bugs.

calm down, patience, you'll make the world a better place.

A little mistake m8:
NOT BECAUSE I WANT, BUT BECAUSE 90% of us, cheated idiots who trusted Crytek and bough C2 4 PC, WANT THIS. Or simply because most of PC costumers who paid 60$ for this pre-alpha low quality piece of crap, want this!
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:55 pm

Just look at this videos guys

everything destructable in earlier builds of Crysis 2, dynamic day-night change, better Ai behavior, etc - have you seen anything like this in retail release? I doubt it! So we was cheated by false advertising and its Crytek's duty to bring back everything they cut and give us what they promised us!
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:03 pm

Well I like this game a lot.

But yeah there are some big issues for PC-gamers that played Crysis1 and where promised an better game.
Crysis 2 itself (except for the bugs) is a good game but it is not a real newer version of Crysis 1.

Thinks I would like to see back is lean and not so many invisible walls. (Like those hedges that are harder as stone) and of course more physics.

he speed mode like in Crysis 1, that was better.

As last I like the indirect lightning but when you look directly into the sun the effect that things in frond of the sun kind of disappear (don't know the name for this effect) like in real life is gone in Crysis 2.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:42 am

The sp campaign was nice, but yea it was kinda frustrating that alcatraz wouldn't tell any1 that he was not prophet XD, but it could be something to do with his severe wounds as well

anyway, as mentioned earlier about the trailer, i just saw it and saw the awesome destructible environments!! Why would they not keep it in the final build!! i mean we PAID for the game! and now we get more of a beta version of the game than the final game, (EA is also to be blamed for pressurizing crytek for an early release),
The least crytek could've done was include a cryengine 3 sandbox editor!!!! I mean the guys who illegally downloaded the leaked beta of the game have the editor, whereas we people who actually supported crytek by buying the game, dont get it? I hope crytek would release this along with the other things in the patch.

I know they promised this, but seriously, would you believe them?
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:42 am

NOT BECAUSE I WANT, BUT BECAUSE 90% of us, cheated idiots who trusted Crytek and bough C2 4 PC, WANT THIS. Or simply because most of PC costumers who paid 60$ for this pre-alpha low quality piece of crap, want this!

Oh, you did a survey? I would love to see where you got those figures from....

Do you not plan to be playing Battlefield 3 later this year? Or will you just hanging around on their forums complaining their new game wasn't based around your last gen card?
The main feature of PC gaming is evolution, if you're not happy with this then get a console.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:11 am

Think of it as of a tutorial software integrated into the suit :-P .

But the voice is badass you must admit that.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:38 am

Did anyone actually follow the plot?

No, and some are quite incapable of using their imagination to fill the so called "plot holes".

And it wasn't Gould, it was a Cell surgeon on the Hargreave deep layer cradle.

see thats u have an iq of a mammal

I actually physisicist real life. Way big time smarter than u.

And we're supposed to believe you how? If you were actually a physicist you would know how to spell, which is a reasonable demand for someone of your stature to know since you ceom from the USA and should have no problems with the english language. If you were actually who you say you are, your statement would read;

"I'm actually a physicist in real life, which would indeed render my IQ higher than yours"
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Kelly James
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:52 am

I support the author. We really see much less than to us promised. And that that is, doesn't work to the full. I was already tired to write to support that at me the statistics in MP vanishes(already 2 times the marauder has pumped over to a maximum level ability and today it was again nulled) and I can't normally be connected to servers, me constantly separate, though I don't use cheat, even I disconnect a fireproof wall and an antivirus. Even Steam (as which I consider as ****) answers all letters of users, here me ignore on full, with such relation and such left unfinished product at me the desire too vanishes to buy license, what for to pay money when it is possible to download the same **** on the Internet for free
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:42 am

For me most frustrating part is AI - its totally DUMB, blind and deaf! They can only hear if you shouting nearby, but they completely dont hear footsteps. they dont hear any sounds from nearby object, thay cant hear anything except shooting at close range (like 20-50 meters)!

Same about their ability to see you - if you are cloaked you can move under their noses and they seems to have only 100% frontal vision just like blind AI in Metal Gear 1 on MSX (1987 year btw), which was not able to see you in diagonal directions relative to them.
Damn, even MGS 2 (2001 year) have better AI! And im not even saying about Splinter Cell or Thief, comparing to which Crysis 2 AI is absolutely stupid.
It was not like that in Crysis 1!
Stealth game mechanics is completely broken in Crysis 2 - ai cant hear and cant see you, and when you escape them they react strange, add this to annoying TIPS like "grab the ledge here" or "use this route to go silent" and this ruins any challenge, and what is more annoying than this - even if you Used that route with TIP, those Yellow icons with tips still remains behind you - i meant WTF Crytek? I just used this TIP put damn trigger here so while i moved right nearby ANNOYING YELLOW ICON it could at least vanish! What the purpose of these icons on levels higher than normal? Im playing at post human and it feels like "total noob mode", except savegames screwed by stupid checkpoint and bullets still deadly when you missed 1 of 10 soldiers who shoot you righ when you was 5 metters close to next checkpoin! This is not challenge, this is annoying and sad experience!
Also those infinite and random spawn COD and MGS style makes most of us nuts! Why you jumping from 21 century back to 20 century and instead of giving us predefined number of enemies, you using that cheap antien tactics of COD and MGS?
Have you guys seen Splinter Cell (pre Conviction, this one suffers from downgrade too), Thief, Hitman Blood Money, Riddike or maybe Crysis 1???

Oh wait, Crytek, arent you did the Crysis 1? No? It really seems like 80% of talanted people who did Crysis 1 was fired and replaced by some much less talanted noobs! I cant believe that find stealth of Crysis was so screwed in Crysis 2 - i cant belive it was designed by same people! It cant be! What happened to that people? Did they lost their brains or something?

All that crap needs to reinvented and patched! Game design should be partially changed, becase the way it works not it aint works, it broken - just do everything same way you did in Crysis 1, if something aint broken, dont fix it!

Major gameplay patch (not some minor tweaking) required to fix all what i mentioned.
Arent Cevat said you have 250 people who worning 24 hours per day?)) So where is 1.3 patch that will at least fix such a minor (judging by complexity, not by impact on game, because impact is major, but bugs really simple to fix, if i would have source code i would do it in 1 few days all alone) bugs like Nano catalyst and mp stats reseting? its month already since release and you aint yet fixed this ****! WTF Crytek? All 250 people on vocations after successfully ripping us off month ago?
Patch damn gameplay problems Crytek, its your duty!
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:56 am

So, anyone want to add something?
I se there is patch 1.4 out there, but again only very minor fixes((
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:03 am

Is free save coming? The game is totally unenjoyable without it, having to replay the last 10 minutes of intense tactical figthing each time you die.
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