» Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:42 am
For me most frustrating part is AI - its totally DUMB, blind and deaf! They can only hear if you shouting nearby, but they completely dont hear footsteps. they dont hear any sounds from nearby object, thay cant hear anything except shooting at close range (like 20-50 meters)!
Same about their ability to see you - if you are cloaked you can move under their noses and they seems to have only 100% frontal vision just like blind AI in Metal Gear 1 on MSX (1987 year btw), which was not able to see you in diagonal directions relative to them.
Damn, even MGS 2 (2001 year) have better AI! And im not even saying about Splinter Cell or Thief, comparing to which Crysis 2 AI is absolutely stupid.
It was not like that in Crysis 1!
Stealth game mechanics is completely broken in Crysis 2 - ai cant hear and cant see you, and when you escape them they react strange, add this to annoying TIPS like "grab the ledge here" or "use this route to go silent" and this ruins any challenge, and what is more annoying than this - even if you Used that route with TIP, those Yellow icons with tips still remains behind you - i meant WTF Crytek? I just used this TIP put damn trigger here so while i moved right nearby ANNOYING YELLOW ICON it could at least vanish! What the purpose of these icons on levels higher than normal? Im playing at post human and it feels like "total noob mode", except savegames screwed by stupid checkpoint and bullets still deadly when you missed 1 of 10 soldiers who shoot you righ when you was 5 metters close to next checkpoin! This is not challenge, this is annoying and sad experience!
Also those infinite and random spawn COD and MGS style makes most of us nuts! Why you jumping from 21 century back to 20 century and instead of giving us predefined number of enemies, you using that cheap antien tactics of COD and MGS?
Have you guys seen Splinter Cell (pre Conviction, this one suffers from downgrade too), Thief, Hitman Blood Money, Riddike or maybe Crysis 1???
Oh wait, Crytek, arent you did the Crysis 1? No? It really seems like 80% of talanted people who did Crysis 1 was fired and replaced by some much less talanted noobs! I cant believe that find stealth of Crysis was so screwed in Crysis 2 - i cant belive it was designed by same people! It cant be! What happened to that people? Did they lost their brains or something?
All that crap needs to reinvented and patched! Game design should be partially changed, becase the way it works not it aint works, it broken - just do everything same way you did in Crysis 1, if something aint broken, dont fix it!
Major gameplay patch (not some minor tweaking) required to fix all what i mentioned.
Arent Cevat said you have 250 people who worning 24 hours per day?)) So where is 1.3 patch that will at least fix such a minor (judging by complexity, not by impact on game, because impact is major, but bugs really simple to fix, if i would have source code i would do it in 1 few days all alone) bugs like Nano catalyst and mp stats reseting? its month already since release and you aint yet fixed this ****! WTF Crytek? All 250 people on vocations after successfully ripping us off month ago?
Patch damn gameplay problems Crytek, its your duty!