We dont need ONLY DX11 render path with SM 5, we need much more than this, DX10 as well (because most of us actually have DX10 cards that can handle almost everything that DX11 offer, except HWA tessellation and some minor things) and at least 1gb pack of high res textures and high poly models (with realistic faces just like in Crysis 1, instead of that unrealistic **** faces we have now ).
We need enhanced render distance, Advanced graphical options, even more advanced than in Crysis 1, preferably with 10 sliders that can allow us to set preferable render distance of various objects (just look at Fallout 3 settings on PC, it have several render distance sliders, we need things like this).
We need unleashed and enhanced physics, to smash, crash and ruin to small derbies every concrete cover and tree, we need every bush and leaf to be pushable by body just like in Crysis 1, we need cars to explode like in Crysis 1, we need them to be deformable like you promised us in tech previews of Crysis 2.
We need freaking real time reflections of reflective glass-kind surfaces instead of fake cubemaps, that looks totally out of place (c'mon - you did fine real time reflections on water in C1, why cant you add same reflections in mirrors, glasses and other reflective surfaces??)
We need proper animation and physics of dead bodies, and we need them to stay until level is finished and even if game reloaded - dissapearing bodies are from past century, same about debries, and we need dead bodies and debries to have collision so we can interact with them.
We also need enhanced AI (not that blind and deaf dumbs we have now) and options to turn off all that stupid "consolization" like tips, waypoints, and stupid backlighting of objects!
And we also need proper save\load system just like one in Crysis!
We also need every vertical surface to be usable as cover, not just few predefined covers (look at Call of Juarez you ripped that system off, there you can use anything as cover), and we need character to point weapon up not only against covers, but against every vertical surface like we had in Crysis 1 (i suppose this is another bug of Crysis 2?).
And we need freaking PRONE! We need to lay low in grass (yeah dont forget to add more grass just like in Crysis 1) to be completely stealth and snipe everyone.
Also we need Alcatraz to talk, so spend a little of your money to record at least some lines for Alkatraz and add them with patch!
Ability to mod the game and load mods just like in Crysis 1.
CVAR Anticheat, instead of "mod locking pseudo-anticheat"
Free and available to everyone downloadable dedicated server software.
And thats the minimum you owe us Crytek, because you promised that to us and because you cheated us, and simply because we had this in Crysis 1 and we should have it in Crysis 2!
Look at developer of The Witcher game - year after release they not just fixed game bugs, but added a lot of new gameplay features and game design enhancement, and they released it as big patch, and additionally re-released game as "The Witcher Enhanced Edition", so you better should copy their behavior Crytek - release 1-1.5gb sized patch that will add a lot of mentioned things, for those who bought original version of Crysis 2, and re-release Crysis 2 as for example Crysis 2 Maximum Edition (with this patch included already) for those who aint yet own the game - that generous move may help you clear your reputation and undo damage you did to yourself due of your greediness.
Otherwise most of us will never buy any of your games again!
People, please copy and paste my post (feel free to add more wishes and fix my mistakes) to remind Crytek what they should add into patch!
Please guys support this thread and bump it often, to let Crytek see what they really should fix.
P.S. - i completely forgot about MP issues, so feel free to add MP wishes.
1 think i wish to have as excuse from Crytek something like new free PC exclusive MP maps with big areas and with a lot of vehicles.