» Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:52 pm
Wow Cry-Adam I like how you only single out a part of my whole post and consider it spam, thanks for singling out and STILL not responding to my message for 3 days now....
Because in a way you just named in shamed me through the fourm even if only slightly..
So Howabout you RE-READ the whole post and not single out a single sentence.
I'm not trolling, I'm speaking my mind...I am not bashing Crytek..nor you forum readers....since I am repeating what others have said in other threads.
It's not trolling when you're giving other ways of looking at something...
I still play the game and love it for what it is in concept no denying, but at the same time you can't expect these small problems solved right away when they need the ground base of the games' multiplayer experience and some single player made structurally sound.
If you don't like my words or responses then don't respond to them..
oooooooh another CUPCAKE
and if you kept reading after that post Playdude and I actually agree on the same thing.
EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM HAS Given Constructive Ideas, Outlooks, and Opinions... and since your only response to our questions an such is..
Please Have Patience, how long do you that will work?
None of you give updates, information on what the programming staff / coders are doing for the next patch.
There is no insight, understanding being meant, only passive aggressive BS with the same sentence or repetitive natures on how a part or whole part of our posts is SPAM or breaking the Rules.
Maybe if you actually gave us some SOLID, VIABLE INFORMATION on what the hell is going on over there at CRYTEK it would ease up a lot of the same popping up threads and complaints, and if you don't know just say you don't know, at least you're being honest with us as a community.
If I've crossed a line then sure my apologies but how long are we to sit by and wait for something?
I am just tired of being left in the dark, waiting for a Christmas day patch to come along and
" hopefully " and I do mean HOPEFULLY fix the games some if any major issues to make it a more solid experience.
Cheeers Mate.