Post » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:50 am

The point is the guy posted and is clearly desperate for some help, Now before I continue, I AM A PC FANBOY BUT I know how frustrating it is to have bought something which does not all that well OR as advertised... so cut the dude some slack I reckon after all he's only seeking guidance.

PS: @KING_OF_SAND "My PC is stronger than *WAG* 90% of the PCs here" I'm in the 10% margin there buddy!!! :P
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Post » Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:01 am

Well pc users,

Some of you guys know that there are some major issues going on.
I do not know how much issues the pc users have, but Crytek seems to ignore their stepchildren completely.
This annoys us console users, i sincerely hope Crytek is doing something big behind the scenes, but unfortunately i don't think so.

But, if you think that pc has the same amount of issues we have, then tell me and then i'll take back anything i said about the consoles being ignored over the PC users.
If you don't know the issues, then i suggest you look at the list of issues we put up in the Xbox 360 section of the forum.

see you guys later,

The fact they even made Crysis 2 for the consoles is a joke, so that's all the support you need.
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Krystina Proietti
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:28 pm

The point is the guy posted and is clearly desperate for some help, Now before I continue, I AM A PC FANBOY BUT I know how frustrating it is to have bought something which does not all that well OR as advertised... so cut the dude some slack I reckon after all he's only seeking guidance.

PS: @KING_OF_SAND "My PC is stronger than *WAG* 90% of the PCs here" I'm in the 10% margin there buddy!!! :P

Post your specs :)

Here are mine.

EVGA SR2, Dual Intel Xeon X5675 4ghz, dual 6990 1000/1400, 1tb ssd, all under water. This is not my rig per say, but i use it ALL THE TIME to play my games. and i payed for a lot of it.

My other rig is AMD 965 4ghz, 6990 1000/1400, 256gb ssd, 1tb hdd.
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Post » Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:20 am

Oh no. Console gamers are upset about a bad product. Lets get something straight. did buy a product. It was a crappy product. But....guess never should have gotten it to begin with and thats our point. So....go bich somewhere else. Consoles are for children anyhow. PC's are for real gamers / big go and cry in your own forum. We have problems of our own due to your stupid consoles taking from our platform because all the children wanted crysis without buying a system that could support it.

So what did Crytek do.....they bended to the market and all the children who have nice mommies and daddies who will buy the games for them on their 10 year dated hardware that costs less than half the cost of my VIDEO CARD......ahhhhhh

You make me laugh.
and you are the sort of PC players I hate.
Be nice to your console stepbrothers!!!! >:C It's not their fault that they cannot afford nice rigs like us more fortunate.
Thank you for coming up for us 'stepchildren' like that ;-) By the way, i got Crysis 2 for console because i prefer the community there, and i already know a lot of ppl there, it has nothing to do that the pc version is supposed to be worse (hell, i think it's the other way around.) because as the stereotype pc gamer just said to me, that we are all supposed to be 10 year old kids, is simply not true, as a matter of fact, he is the one who acts like a 10 year old kid and trolling over the fact that CRYTEK published the game for consoles to.. That is an issue with Crytek, not with the consoles.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:33 pm

Who ever came up with the logic that "Because you prefer console gaming you must not be able to afford a nice rig." is an illogical idiot.

It's about as logical as me saying. "Those who have a PC are upset because cant afford a swimming pool."

They are called non sequiturs people.

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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:55 pm

EVGA SR2, Dual Intel Xeon X5675 4ghz, dual 6990 1000/1400, 1tb ssd, all under water.

Nice wish rig bro. That's just complete overkill.

Why do you need 2 of those CPUs, do you use it as a server or something? And I didn't even know you could get a 1tb ssd yet?
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Post » Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:06 am

Oh no. Console gamers are upset about a bad product. Lets get something straight. did buy a product. It was a crappy product. But....guess never should have gotten it to begin with and thats our point. So....go bich somewhere else. Consoles are for children anyhow. PC's are for real gamers / big go and cry in your own forum. We have problems of our own due to your stupid consoles taking from our platform because all the children wanted crysis without buying a system that could support it.

So what did Crytek do.....they bended to the market and all the children who have nice mommies and daddies who will buy the games for them on their 10 year dated hardware that costs less than half the cost of my VIDEO CARD......ahhhhhh

You make me laugh.

We don't spend 10000000000$ on our PC's like you do... There is a life, beyond PC, do you know?
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josh evans
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:00 pm

EVGA SR2, Dual Intel Xeon X5675 4ghz, dual 6990 1000/1400, 1tb ssd, all under water.

Nice wish rig bro. That's just complete overkill.

Why do you need 2 of those CPUs, do you use it as a server or something? And I didn't even know you could get a 1tb ssd yet?

Like i said. Its not mine "PER SAY." Although i did sink some of my own money in it, it's not 100% mine, more like 30% mine. But yes we use it as a cloud server when no one is using it for about 30 people under Citrix. Oh and it has 40gb of RAM.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:50 pm

Oh no. Console gamers are upset about a bad product. Lets get something straight. did buy a product. It was a crappy product. But....guess never should have gotten it to begin with and thats our point. So....go bich somewhere else. Consoles are for children anyhow. PC's are for real gamers / big go and cry in your own forum. We have problems of our own due to your stupid consoles taking from our platform because all the children wanted crysis without buying a system that could support it.

So what did Crytek do.....they bended to the market and all the children who have nice mommies and daddies who will buy the games for them on their 10 year dated hardware that costs less than half the cost of my VIDEO CARD......ahhhhhh

You make me laugh.

We don't spend 10000000000$ on our PC's like you do... There is a life, beyond PC, do you know?

That's probably zimbabwe dollars
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:28 am

We don't spend 10000000000$ on our PC's like you do... There is a life, beyond PC, do you know?
Oh but you spend over 1000$ for a Full HDTV even though you can't use this tv efficiently because the sub HD consoles play 99% of all games in 640p - 720p.
Very smart money investments there...
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