On Xbox360, The host always has a max bar connection while everyone else will have 2 or 1 bar connection. Maybe a few people will have a 3 bar connection IF THEY ARE LUCKY.
I don't even know if the latency bars are accurate. Yes hackers are annoying, but loosing level progress and other stats is what stopped me from playing the multiplayer. I'll jump back in once it's all fixed.
on the xbox 360 there is hardly any lag and i think it is because i am normally host because my internet is 15mb which is really good i think this game is amaizing and i have had no problems but i have heard that some people on PS3 have been having some problems
i understand that this is there first maltiplatform title there was going to be some issue but i didnt expect so meny issues on PS3 version they dont announce there patches untill there finishd id like atleast a indication that its in the work last thing i want is... well a "DLC" patch witch will fix all this up if that happens then well theres probly gona be verry little players left on C2.