have you ever red the forum rules?
Do not use usernames, signatures or avatars that:
Do not write private messages and/or e-mails that:
Do not create threads or contributions that:
- Include spam or advertisemants.
- Are racist or hateful.
- Are hostile, vulgar, excessively violent or contains excessive language.
- Are illegal.
- Are sixually orientated.
- Link to or reference hacks or hack websites.
- Hijack or maliciously affect users' computers.
- Labels others as cheaters/boosters. "Naming & shaming" is not welcomed.
SEE UNDERLINED examples! if you want proof than search the newest threads for yourself, youll find enough examples for what i mean.
they are so MANY people in this forum FLAMING, TROLLING, HATING, INSULTING!!! and noone cares! crytek DOES NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! and THERE ARE SO MANY NAMECALLERS!!! there is even a thread which posts whining of some people with ingame names called, what is clearly forbidden by the rules! but NO ONE CARES! NO ONE GETS HELP IN THESE FORUMS!
as for the game:
1. no more patches: what the heck?? this game NEEDS MANY MANY BUGFIXES! we all know! from orbital strike lag over balance-changes to connecting issues..
2. never answering support?: MANY MANY people already wrote to EA or CRYTEK and they NEVER got a reply or something..
3. ideas who are written by many many users who want to bring the game to its full potential(btw, this is not even close to perfect, i know i know, console restriction but they could have made the PC version in REAL quality settings, for those who have 423248975 gtx 560, you know what i mean)
4. ....
what do you say?