» Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:49 am
There should be normal sprint, and MAXIMUM SPEED.. cos u cant really walk everywhere to save energy... U should be able to Cloak and Sprint, Not Max. Speed & Amour and Sprint, Not Max Speed - But Max Speed without cloak and amour will balance the suit out well, i think..
^This is what I've been saying. I'm glad somebody agrees with me.
I wonder how they could implement that on a gamepad though. I imagine the suggestion of click L3 to sprint normally, and hold L3 to use power sprint would work. As it is it works for 'steady aiming'.
I'd say on a gamepad Maximum Speed should work with a double tap (I dont play with a gamepad so I don't know which button it is) like double tap run to maximum speed, then tap again to stop maximum speed ? then just normal sprint will be just hold sprint as normal? sounds like sense - does anyone use a gamepad that can say if that will work out?