I say reset EVERYONE'S stats and unlocks with the next patch (assuming it even addresses the problem). It won't kill anyone to lose them as most of us already have anyway! Then Crytek can monitor abnormal gains in the leveling. As the game stands it's to much of a mess to sort thru who did what. I'm tired and probably sound as senseless as I feel right now, but what difference does it make if Crytek guys aren't even paying attention to this thread.
Well yeah, I said that I won't play this game again since I won't get back my 5h1t, but if they reset everyone's stats I might reconsider. Cause that way, at least it'll level the playing field.
But all things considered, Crytek's already bombarded with 5h1t from most of us, well I guess they've become a 5h1t magnet by giving us 5h1t. It seems like 99% of the people are whining about their incompetence, the remaining 1% being naive people and retards who cry about people crying (hypocrites are among us).
If they reset everyone's stats they're just going to make 100% of the people rage. Crytek's a failure, but I don't believe anyone could be THAT dumb.
They can't restore our 5h1t either, because their incompetent database dumped all our stats to who knows where, they don't have any records of what we had. So even if they were willing (which they aren't), there's no way for them to restore what we had.
From a strategic standpoint, they're better off leaving us alone, since it's not happening to EVERYONE, so we're not going to be getting any of our unlocks back.
And it's not a problem of hacking or not. Only a retard would think this is only happening to hackers. It's evident that this could happen to everyone, since people who obtain the 5 level boost from Limited Edition get their stats reset to 0 and unfortunately even their levels.
Not sure if that's the same issue since people are also losing levels, and I'm still level 40, but it's all the same 5h1t because stats aren't even properly recorded in this game.
We're not getting refunds either, because they can legally keep our money since this is software merchandise. As far as I'm concerned, we got robbed.
Crytek was never popular, when the first Crysis games came out, only a small audience knew about it, mainly because not a lot of people had good enough hardware to handle the games. I was one of the people that supported them, though. Was.
Now with Crysis 2's frequent advertising, everyone knew about Crysis 2, then it turned out to be the Maximum Horse 5h1t before us. I doubt people would trust them anymore.
I was going to buy all of the DLCs for this game, and of course buy any expansion packs and Crysis 3. Now they're not going to get a single cent more out of me. I doubt they planned to make more money, though. From what I can see, they're just abusing the piracy regulation law so we can't get our refunds, and they just walk away with our money. What justice, eh? The law really pisses me off sometimes, especially when they're exploited like this.
I'm also going to tell my friends to stay away from this abomination, and that's about all I can do.
I pity the poor fools who are going to purchase DLCs and Crysis 3 despite of all this.
Of course I pity us too, being BS'd and all that.