This thread is about the issue of:
1) Getting weapon/attachment/dogtag unlocks
2) Using them (or not using them), and then
3) The unlocks disappear, but the game thinks you've already spent them
4) The unlock is gone forever :O
The thing is, I'm level 50 and I'm missing:
A whopping 16 weapon unlocks - Becuase of this, when I use a custom class I can ONLY use the SCAR and the X43 Mike (the only one I managed to unlock)
5 Dog Tag unlocks - Just like the weapon unlocks, how on earth am I going to get these back!?
AND STRANGELY ENOUGH, even though I've unlocked all the suit modules, I still have FIVE SPARE Armour modules, and FIVE SPARE Stealth modules!
Also my multiplayer stats seem to be messed up, apparently I've only played for a total of 16 minutes and only played Instant Action and Team Instant Action... that's totally incorrect, I've played much longer than that and I've also played other game modes... now it looks like I'm a hacker or something ("Level 50 in only 16 minutes? He must be cheating!") when I'm not. And I know that stats are only tracked on ranked servers, most of my games are ranked anyway.
What I find most frustrating is that I can't do the Nanosuit Reboot anymore, which means there's no way I can level up and get the weapon unlocks again.
I paid for this game, and if I can't use all the weapons in multiplayer, I'm not getting the full product.
Crytek, please credit our accounts for the wrongly disappearing unlocks. I'm not bashing Crysis 2, in fact I think it's a great game and I applaud Crytek's effort. But it's bugs like these that make people annoyed.
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