Crytek, please don't forget PC

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:05 pm

Crytek has already abandoned the pc, we will get nothing but a console port that has graphics no better (mabey worse) than crysis.
Please let me know im wrong. You're wrong :P

I think a lot of people forget that Crytek, more specifically, Crysis started on PC. There was a lot of feedback from Crysis from all the PC gamers out there who played it. All of the negative points Crytek then set out to fix over the next 3 years of development with Crysis 2. Whilst on the surface, some decisions may seem completely random or wrong but there is researched reason behind it. There is a tight lid being kept on things, i know but i also know that so many people are going to go "...OH!... WOW! This is awesome" when they sit down and play it. Have faith, that's all i can ask :)

Call of Duty also started on the PC... 'nuff said.

Where the IP starts is not an indicator of how the future titles will be, as that is up to the developers decision... Personally I do not have any issue with the game technology being multi-platform as long as the game is developed with multi-platform in mind. Every system has its own specific needs that need to be addressed, which is the hardest part of a multi-plat game title.

Impressively true in every aspect, and the only real proof of a game's historical process thru ages and generations to come. This would still apply to Crysis 1 - Crysis 2 in the same manner if it continued till what ever end. But side/prequels are nice too, like Crysis Warhead. :)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:14 am

Call of Duty also started on the PC... 'nuff said.
Not to turn this into a COD thread but if it came down to playing COD3 or COD7, i'd play COD7, any day. I think BlackOps is very PC friendly. Dedicated servers, console, demo recording, timedemos, etc, etc. Don't forget you're exampling an IP with two separate developers here too (Treyarch & Infinity Ward). Finally, Crytek is Crytek, they're not Infinity Ward or Treyarch. :)
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:03 pm

yea iw and treyarch actually have good marking and trailers and lots of info
unlike crytek -.-
black ops is just a reskinned mw2 and the next cod will be mw3
horrible sp and reskinned mp crazy how cod can sell 20mill copies when nothing else comes close
gives other studios bad ideas that thing make up a good game
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:56 pm

Black Ops is horrible ****, because all good in this game was ruined by many problems of game design and technical impotence of developers. My personal disrespect to Treyarch.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:17 pm

Call of Duty also started on the PC... 'nuff said.
Not to turn this into a COD thread but if it came down to playing COD3 or COD7, i'd play COD7, any day. I think BlackOps is very PC friendly. Dedicated servers, console, demo recording, timedemos, etc, etc. Don't forget you're exampling an IP with two separate developers here too (Treyarch & Infinity Ward). Finally, Crytek is Crytek, they're not Infinity Ward or Treyarch. :)


Unless you count the ridiculously bad optimization that make a game that looks crap almost as demanding as something like bad company 2. Still, it was better for the PC than mw2. Just nowhere near cod4.

Treyarch have always been the 'B-side' developer in the series, and black ops was indeed their best effort so far. It just wasn't anywhere near as good as infinity ward's last game (cod4, mw2 was activison all over, hence the IW collapse).
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:30 pm

Not to turn this into a COD thread ...

This is getting off track. Point remains, Crytek is not Treyarch or Infinity Ward so can we get off the COD bandwagon please?
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megan gleeson
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:17 pm

Aye, you're a far better company and under a far better publisher ^^

Also, i'm not sure how crytek would forget the PC tbh, since 2007 the PC market has grew a helluva lot. Plus PC games sell for years, console games sell for a few months and then all go second hand, thus stemming revenue. So overall making a good PC game is definitely worth the investment (especially due to high profit margins from digital distribution meaning selling half the copies nets the same, if not more, profit).

It also makes it annoying to see PC sales, as publishers don't care about releasing figures, since they can get them whenever they want from steam/D2D ect. Unlike retail where someone else has to say 'you sold this many'. Considering that all valve games have sold more via steam download than retail since 2008, it'd be interesting to see just how big the PC market is. Although, based on demographics (more older players on PC, a LOT more 12-18's on xbox/ps3) i'd say the fps crowd is a bit less on PC (but even so, profits are larger per copy).

In the end, something has made lots of companies start faffing with dx11 features and actually working on their PC version.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:24 pm

I think a lot of people forget that Crytek, more specifically, Crysis started on PC. There was a lot of feedback from Crysis from all the PC gamers out there who played it. All of the negative points Crytek then set out to fix over the next 3 years of development with Crysis 2.

This looks like you're saying that Crytek scrapped patch 1.3 and released Wars to fix the issues in Crysis 1, then scrapped patch 1.6 and started on Crysis 2 to fix the issues in Wars?

Presumably I'm misunderstanding you, because I'm fairly sure that nobody could actually think that Crytek is fixing every criticism of Wars/Crysis 1 by abandoning them and moving on to a new game...
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Elle H
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:13 pm

Crytek doesn't care about the PC community anymore, the 360 exclusive demo is proof of that.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:29 pm

Crytek doesn't care about the PC community anymore, the 360 exclusive demo is proof of that.

So they give an exclusive demo to the 360, and instantly give up on PC?
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:35 pm

They obviously don't care about what we think. We want a demo to try out the game. The 360 already had the tech test, what have we gotten? Nothing at all, same with the PS3.
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:16 pm

It seems like they did forget PC.
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Anne marie
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:13 am

My hopes for an amazing open-world Crysis 2 experienced died long ago when I heard it was coming to consoles. I still have hope that it will achieve at least a 9.0 on some game ratings, but it's disheartening to see news like this, even for those of us that are very hopeful.

This is coming from a guy who owns a 360 too :(
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:33 pm

"don't forget about pc crytek"
- oh, we won't!

*Xbox360 exclusive demo announced*

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Austin England
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:37 am

"don't forget about pc crytek"
- oh, we won't!

*Xbox360 exclusive demo announced*


as much as we'd all like that, the chances of that happening are the chances of there ever being another decent call of duty game on pc
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:31 am

Not to turn this into a COD thread ...

This is getting off track. Point remains, Crytek is not Treyarch or Infinity Ward so can we get off the COD bandwagon please?

How DARE you talk about 'not getting on the bandwagon'. There is a very bad trend that is growing in game development: "The PC will get a crappy port. Consoles are the market"
. And guess what. CRYTEK jumped on the bandwagon.

PC players have been screwed over by this game again, and again, and again.

First the multiplayer test, exclusively for the Xbox 360.

Now there's a multiplayer demo, exclusively for the Xbox 360.

And then there's the engine losing features due to consoles (

And losing controls and suit modes...

Losing offhand grenades...

Losing multiplayer features (6v6 multiplayer? Bull. Crap.)

And I can't count how many times questions about upcoming PC events or content has been answered with:

"No info at this time"
"Any future plans will be announced first on"
"Nothing official has been released yet"
"No details have been announced yet"
"Sorry, I can't confirm or deny that."
"No information I'm afraid!"
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:37 pm

Not to turn this into a COD thread ...

This is getting off track. Point remains, Crytek is not Treyarch or Infinity Ward so can we get off the COD bandwagon please?

How DARE you talk about 'not getting on the bandwagon'. There is a very bad trend that is growing in game development: "The PC will get a crappy port. Consoles are the market"
. And guess what. CRYTEK jumped on the bandwagon.

PC players have been screwed over by this game again, and again, and again.

First the multiplayer test, exclusively for the Xbox 360.

Now there's a multiplayer demo, exclusively for the Xbox 360.

And then there's the engine losing features due to consoles (

And losing controls and suit modes...

Losing offhand grenades...

Losing multiplayer features (6v6 multiplayer? Bull. Crap.)

And I can't count how many times questions about upcoming PC events or content has been answered with:

"No info at this time"
"Any future plans will be announced first on"
"Nothing official has been released yet"
"No details have been announced yet"
"Sorry, I can't confirm or deny that."
"No information I'm afraid!"

If you think you can do better, I'm sure you are welcome to try.

Changing the suit modes svcked, it wasn't too fun flicking back and forth, it's more fun now. That grenade thing is just silly. And that whining about exclusives and how "PC got shafted" is just ridiculous.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:20 am

vallux i bet youre
not a pc gamer
pc always gettin shafted
and the studios wonder why pc gaming is dying
cause nobody wants these pos small mp bad controls and bad graphics like come on someone get it right
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luke trodden
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:23 pm

Aye, you're a far better company and under a far better publisher ^^

That's changed.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:50 pm

The PC is dead to Crytek ):
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:04 pm

You all should of expected this when they went multi platform to tap the console kiddie crowd for that extra cash.

This game will be nothing but a sub par port that will be riddled with issues, NO THANKS.

No sale.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:11 pm

What have they done? Consolized the hell out of it or just half assed the game to appease the reviewers and 360 fanboys? My expectations for this game now are literally so low I could skip it and still thoroughly enjoy Crysis 1. A part of me doesn't want to even try this game for fear it will completely ruin the Crysis feel.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:52 pm

Designer's choices are designer's choices, nothing else.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:32 pm

Crytek had so much potential. SO MUCH. And then they just piss it all away.

I don't know where they took a wrong turn into the crapper, but it just STINKS!
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:36 am

Crytek has already abandoned the pc, we will get nothing but a console port that has graphics no better (mabey worse) than crysis.
Please let me know im wrong. You're wrong :P

I think a lot of people forget that Crytek, more specifically, Crysis started on PC. There was a lot of feedback from Crysis from all the PC gamers out there who played it. All of the negative points Crytek then set out to fix over the next 3 years of development with Crysis 2. Whilst on the surface, some decisions may seem completely random or wrong but there is researched reason behind it. There is a tight lid being kept on things, i know but i also know that so many people are going to go "...OH!... WOW! This is awesome" when they sit down and play it. Have faith, that's all i can ask :)

But when we dont get anything on PC so far is logical to think that Crytek abanded PC
the only we see is the xbox360 , so many changes done to crysis because of the consoles too , PC loses the position , if you want my opinion i have to say thatCrysis 2 would be better if was only for pc , no changes will need at buttoms and more ,

and about the Demo on xbox360 .. i think Microsoft pushed crytek and EA to do this bad thing , i'm prety sure for that
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