Crytek, please read about this bug.

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:13 am

I don't know if this has been brought up before so sorry if I am repeating it, but this bug is annoying and I wanted to make sure crytek was aware of it.

More than a few times now (at least half a dozen) While I am in stealth mode and one of MY Own teammates brushes by me and grazes me I lose all nano energy even when it was completely full. Now the only thing I can think of that is causing this is that the mp is bugged and the little grazing as a team mate goes by is being considered a "hit detection" and it drains my energy. This doesnt happen all the time but it happens enough and it seems as though it happens when I am "slightly bumper or grazed" by a team mate. Will you guys please look into this. Thank You.

One more thing, I would like to see the whole team mate can just shove you out of the way and push you around by running into you get fixed. If you are just standing there and not moving a teammate can actually just push your guy around the map. This should also be fixed. Thanks.
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:38 am

team mate can just shove you out of the way and push you around by running into you get fixed. If you are just standing there and not moving a teammate can actually just push your guy around the map. This should also be fixed. Thanks.

This is particularly annoying when you are about to make a shot with the gauss and your **** of a teammate decides to push you and you miss the shot. FAbsyabsiuaiusbuabu"!"!!!!!!!!!!!!! /end rage
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