» Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:05 pm
damn these studios
if they gona copy cod or halo why would we play crysis2 instead of those games
if i want cod ill go play freakin cod
i will not say anything about crysis 2 MP because i dont play it just watch it on video, but sadly what you wrote most so called senior or professional developers (fail of designers?) dont understand, we can take Warhammer Online for example and couple of others MMORPGs they tried so hard copy WoW style and success and dont understand that people dont want another WOW because they have one which was long on market and polished and balanced already. dont even talking about how they have not understand deeper formula of WOW and they thought that just copying style and simplicity of WOW was the only proper and right solution how to make successful wow clone which will spill millions of dollars/euros .
Unfortunately, the world is built on people like this. They see means to copy something else, or try to copy the formula to fit around their own. Sometimes, people believe it will work, but there are others who will say what you said, which is entirely true.
But borrowing small concepts isn't a bad thing either, as long as it's not going off the boundaries (If that makes sense).