» Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:44 pm
This whole thread is ****. From top to bottom, it's filled with narrow minded, stubborn people who clearly don't know what the hell they're talking about.
People complaining about this game belong in a small, vocal minority. People who haven't played the game enough to realize what it's all about. True, it does take elements from other shooters. Such as yes, the leveling up system. However, this is a very generic first person shooter element. A good one, at that. Bugs, glitches and lag aside, this game is good. Very good, in fact. I have yet to see anyone put a genuine complaint about it out there.
Really, the only complaint you people seem to have is that it is like COD. It's not. On the surface, it might seem like COD. Sure, but then every other shooter is in some way or form like COD. Because, guess what? COD is a first person shooter. So is Crysis 2. It's bound to have similarities. Once you play enough or if you decide to play smart from the beginning, you will realize what Crysis 2 is all about. Some of you played like what? One game and dished it as a COD copy and then you complain on the forums how it's so much like COD.
The first Crysis multiplayer was crap. In all honesty, it was terrible. It was somewhat of an afterthought, slightly improved with Crysis Wars. But at the end of the day, it wasn't a proper multiplayer game. More importantly, it wasn't meant to be one from the beginning.
I've seen a lot of game-play and commentary videos and I can honestly say that, again bugs, glitches and lag aside, people have been very happy with the demo. That is, of course, if they knew what they were doing. If they were just running around, not taking advantage of any of the suit abilities, for god's sake not even activating killstreaks when they got 'em and died a lot, they complained. Because honestly, they just svcked at it.
That aside, I don't care what narrow minded people like yourself think. I really don't care. Nor does Crytek, nor should they. If you don't like it, don't play it. It's that simple. Why come here and complain? If it's so obviously flawed and terrible, why would you even come here?
So again, if you don't like it, don't play it. We'll all be better off without people like you anyway.