» Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:40 pm
From beginning to end, I cant imagine a Job in Support for this company.
It's pretty easy actually. All you need to do is imagine yourself in India earning 1 Rupee/day, read from a script that says "The problem is your system Sir" (plus another 5 or 6 roundabout ways of saying the same thing) and after letting the customer rant a bit having the gall to ask "Is there anything else I can help you with Sir?".
I feel sorry for Cry-Tom and Cry-Adam, they're probably legally obligated to keep their mouths shut about any possibility of fixing the remaining glitches (MP Disconnects, Orbital LagLaser...). Never again will any EA game be a Day 1 purchase for me, especially if I want to play MP. Halo for PC has disconnected me twice all the years I've been playing it; Crysis 2 disconnects me every 10-15 minutes minimum.