You need to give players the option to report cheaters in game please otherwise this game is going to be ruined VERY quickly. I dont think it is fair to ask players to record games etc as they would not always have capture software need to have something in place where you can follow up on a report of cheating to verify or disprove it. 3 evenings in a row where we came across the same player with same ping as us in MP where he just "bosses" every single game with 40 + kills and like 2 or 3 deaths....I know there are good players out there, but when you dont get any bullet reg on a player it becomes worrying.....funny though every time we called him for cheating all of a sudden his game seemed to take a "dip" as he was clearly concerned people are recording.....come on lads you need to keep this game clean and make sure it stays the best shooter.....
Comments anyone? Or did I miss anything?
Sorry forgot to say that please look at blocking players by their ping.....way too often we have players in our games with pings of 700 and above! This is basic and should not be allowed period....messes up the experience for everyone when you players bringing in that kind of ping......please sort it Crytek....we LOVE this game, dont let stupid things ruin it please