.host migrates every game
.game kicks you alot
.trying to join a lobby with a squad takes forever because it sticks in finding session
.auto armour really needs removed at level 10
.i fell threw the map 3 times now
.it occasionally freezes
.the frame rate is horrible yet you said it ran fine
you have sold us another broken game....this is a reapeat of c2 all over again
it should be agaisnt the law to sell sh!t to a customer that is not finished or broken
because to me you are robbin us of our money n basically saying here buy this then F**K off we are done with it and will take your money......
i was really looking forward to this game and you give us console users this garabage.
if i had the money i would buy a PC but i still prefer console but even still you have sold us an unfinshed broken game, you guys need to pull your fingers out your ass and fix this sh!t
will we even get an answer from you guys or you gona go all c2 on us again and disappear and leave us in the dark?
i would like an answer to say you are looking into these problems atleast!