» Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:57 pm
Just letting Crytek know that I will not be getting the Decimation DLC until you release this patch for ps3. I have maxed out my lvl. 50 and have yet to reboot, since I don't have my final mystery dog tag, weapon unlock, and don't want my stats to reset. I have stopped playing for almost over a month because of this issue that I have yet to get a solid response to. I want to go back to religiously playing this game, but with no word yet from any of the moderators, I feel the ps3 community is being ignored. Please Crytek I'm a new fan with alot of patience that's wearing thin. I would at least like to get a response that Crytek is still working on the ps3 versions patch and should be out soon, instead of just leaving us in the wind, hoping you still care about the ps3 crowd.