» Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:51 am
These posts are magnets for people who like to cast despair into the minds of forum goers coming here looking for actual discussion. If you hate this game so heartily, leave it. I'm sick and tired of seeing a lot of hate. In an interview, Cevat Yerli explained why it's difficult to release patches. They have to go through EA's policy check and release it for mass use etc. If there are so many bugs, you can imagine the time it takes to release a patch. Patience is a virtue. This is no excuse for the lack of communication, but stop spreading your anguish.
Respond to this sensibly and logically.
There we go. See it?
Crytek could kill all this.. "Anguish', if they just informed people that a patch could be coming. If it's about to go through EA Policy check, its in the clear for them to inform users. They then have to go through MS checks, and Sony checks. However with PC, there is no real excuse. That is what devs do. Heads up on patches. Makes the community calm, and see that work is being done.
Crytek have to be pounded to just share some insight? I find that ridiculous. The topic which swear, and attack them on a personal level is uncalled for. But what's going on now.. is a joke.
I agree in the sense that, having multiple topics with the same thing is pointless. Do you seriously think if a patch was in EA Policy check process, that they wouldn't inform people?
Hi guys,
Below are the patch notes for Patch 1.9, this is also the patch that will enable DX11 Support (available via a separate download). We're aiming to have this patch live and available to you all next week.
A weeks heads up. (for PC)
Mods only post when new information needs to be shared, other than that, they just read in silence.