CryEngine 3 has yet to have a word on DX11 support, hell if it weren't for it's lighting there would be nothing to talk about.
Crytek/EA also fail in the public relations department. Treyarch (CoD: Black Ops) has been releasing steady patches almost-monthly since Black Ops' release. Most of the time, issues are fixed before they even have a chance to become heard of. In comparison, Crytek has had no post-launch support for Crysis 2. The last 2 patches have done close to nothing, even if what they advertise actually fixed anything for most users (which isn't the case).
Seems strange that EA/Crytek are trying to take a chunk out of the gaming market away from CoD/Unreal, and yet this is the best that they can do.
What are everyone else's thoughts?
EDIT: Black Ops patches for the 360/PS3. I don't know about the PC version because I haven't been following it.