Crytek!! You have a huge opportunity here!

Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:51 pm

So..Ive been playing the BF3 beta for several hours now over the last week and I am really trying to hard like it but....It just isn't my cup of tea. Who says the more realistic you can make a game the better? Every game i get into the entire match is people laying prone in bushes just shooting anyone who tries to run around and do anything fun. I know its the beta and we haven't seen the 64 player maps and all but still - realistic warfare does NOT = fun game.

Crytek really needs to use this as an opportunity to show people how good this game really is. The graphics in C2 blows BF3 out of the water and the gameplay (while not as realistic) is so much more fun - and COOL. if Crytek could devote some time and energy to fix some of the major issues with the multiplayer - then when crisis 3 comes out.. it could be the true COD killer. Crytek needs to fix 3 things
1. fix orbital strike lag and stats resetting
2. better anti-cheat
3. release BOTH DLC for free! - AND ADVERTISE IT!

This would bring so many players back to C2 and people could really see this game for what it is...BAD A$$ and fun gameplay. While doing this may not increase revenue right at this very moment, it would definitely increase sales over the next couple years, developing more of a fan base and then when crisis 3 comes out...It would be huge!

BF3 is going to be a good game and i'm still going to buy it just to see how my rig can run it...but if Crytek would use this opportunity to fix this game I think many people would see this game is a lot more fun (better) than BF3 (and COD of course). Crytek needs to invest in their future NOW! and then the Crysis series could go on to be one of the most epic series EVER!
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