I have to be honest. Crysis 2 must have been a hard job, a hard task to complete; a stage of growth for your maturity if you will.
I was one of the many million original Crysis fans I was a gen y motherfukkin computer wizard who would stop for no one on my quest to find the best of what this earth/world/existence has to offer.
I found myself over a couple years after entering the PC 'world' looking for something to show me the balls behind what i knew was the single most powerful thing on this planet... the transistor.
,found myself face to face with crytek- a budding company releasing screenshots for an upcoming game.. crysis; releasing screenshots that looked absolutely un-fa-king believably realistic, and realtime.
a picture of prophets head and an old hawaiian shed in stylistic technical glory comes to mind.
I didnt believe them, i had a 6800 ultra.... I knew what was possible and they couldn't do that.
along comes 2007 by then I had a 7800 gt on an old 2.4ghz agp sportin msi mobo.
Crytek singed what i thought were brain cells and showed me what it meant to truly be a visionary. complete with chromatic abberation and destroyable trees enviros and the stupid frikkin turtle.
I spent my next 5 years getting to run that game... and CRYTEK...cevat... guess what. ? best 5 years of my life. I was driven. Crysis was the sheit you ran to see if your csheene had ballz or not.
I finally did i finally built the machine that had ballz it could keep constant 60 on crysis the game that gave me no gravity in a way never experienced before. in a way that completely blew my mind.
it was perfect, from the final boss all the way to the midway chinese nano power hungry a-hole.
I waited a long time for something from you guys, i hoped farcry 2 but to no avial. after years awaiting, came the announcement for crysis 2. I was very excited.
then came the announcement that it would also be coming to cons.. soles i remained faithful.
long story short cevat said things that made me believe, the game came out, and it was terrible, terrible the raytraced reflections were nice, but that was about it.
I had lost faith in my crytek who inspired my carreer and passion.. they had betrayed me for the better of the money hungry, (who isn't right?).
Here I am to tell you crytek. i dont have much story between losing faith in you guys and c3 announcement beta and trailers as i didnt think it would come back or be the same ever again.

Here I am to tell you. You have FahKING done it all of you, face cap guys programmers, actors, level designers, everyone you have done it.
This game feels more crysis-ey than the original, and from a longtime fan that is hard to say. It is a
untill a few years when you guys make an even better game using what you've learned in selling out then realizing your roots and funkin killing it on the rebound.
good job

Fan guy.