Mr. Crytom,Homepage says "Crysis 2 Pc Issues & Solutio..."

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:41 am

you do realize you released the game for two consoles right? and you do realize that if PC has issues then TWO consoles have twice the issues? You do realize customers have a good memory? its been over a week and not even "we are working on it" from you guys? or are you somewhere in the Bahamas mr CryTom? sippping margaritas with my 60 dollars? I mean i do like the game and will keep playing it because im good at it :) but seriously Connection is so crappy, and a Game like homefront has deidacted servers? A brand new game? Instead of a game that already has a following? hmm thanks for that one. umm i forgot what else i was going to say so please when you guys are done vacationing with our money please get to work and fix a broken product Crytek/EA.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:49 pm

Hi Eddie, the PC forum has this thread because they have the most game stopping issues at this time, and the possibility to work around them. This does not mean we're looking at PC exclusively. We're also investigating a number of issues on the 360, but I do not have any updates that I can give you at this time.

When we have some information about potential patches or updates you can be sure i'll put up an announcement thread in this forum.
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k a t e
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:11 am

The good thing about PC gamers is they are quite prone to checking through code and looking for possible dlc releases so they quite often come up with fixes and mods themselves ( or they have done on other games). They can probably help Crytek get this game running properly on the consoles. As it goes this game is fully broken. MP is unplayable with the connection and single player AI is just hilariously busted spinning round, walking into barriers on a loop and climbing invisible ledges inide walls then popping out of the floor on the roof duplicated. If PC is in the worse state then judging by 360 this game was released about 1 year too early.
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