CTD hitting the very first Dragon ( blood decals problem? )

Post » Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:09 pm

HI all,

I'm modding the game to play as an hunter-ranger-roamer etc. I followed STEP 2.2.7 avoiding only a couple of small mods, added SkyRE and SkyTEST.

I managed to play about 10 hours without an issue, doing the first quests, cleaning a couple of caves/dungeons, following the main roads to Solitude etc...

When I decided it was time to kick some dragon's a$$, I started "Dragon Rising": every time the Dragon is hit for the first time, the game CTDs and the last lines of the papyrus log say it's a problem about applying blood (decals?) to it.

I walked into this "bug" last year, with the same modding configuration, but I had to reinstall the whole thing (for other reasons) and It disappeared, I don't know why... now How can I fix it ?

I tried unistalling Dual Sheath Redux... nothing happened

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Bonnie Clyde
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Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:02 pm

Post » Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:48 am

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Posts: 3417
Joined: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:35 pm

Post » Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:00 am

Sorry, I wrote the post from the notebook

Load Order:

Active Mod Files:

00 Skyrim.esm01 Update.esm02 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [Version 2.0.0a]03 Dawnguard.esm04 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [Version 2.0.0]05 HearthFires.esm06 Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp [Version 2.0.0]07 Dragonborn.esm08 Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [Version 2.0.0]09 Skyrim Project Optimization - No Homes - Full Version.esm0A Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm0B SPIKE.esm0C HighResTexturePack01.esp0D HighResTexturePack02.esp0E HighResTexturePack03.esp0F Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp [Version 1.1.3a]10 Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp11 Rainbows.esp12 ADS.esp13 BWS.esp14 DragonShoutVoice.esp15 IHSS.esp16 Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp17 randomthunder.esp18 mintylightningmod.esp19 StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp1A StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp1B TradeBarter.esp1C Ars Metallica.esp [Version 1.2.1]1D Ars Metallica - Dawnguard.esp [Version 1.2.1]1E Ars Metallica - Hearthfire.esp [Version 1.2.1]1F Ars Metallica - Dragonborn.esp [Version 1.2.1]20 Auto Unequip Ammo.esp21 BLESSINGS - Altar Descriptions.esp22 Bring Out Your Dead.esp [Version 1.2.1]23 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp24 Chesko_WearableLantern_Guards.esp25 Chesko_WearableLantern_Candle_DG.esp26 Chesko_WearableLantern_Caravaner.esp27 ClamsDropPearls.esp28 Dead Body Collision.esp29 Disease Descriptions.esp2A DD_Dawnguard Additions.esp2B DD_Dragonborn Additions.esp2C DungeonQuestAwareness.esp2D DynamicTorches.esp2E fFastTravelSpeedMult_4.esp [Version 1.0]2F Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Default.esp30 manny Lantern Caretakers.esp31 More Salt Please.esp32 More Salt Please - Dragonborn addon.esp33 Moss Rocks.esp34 ORM-Arvak.esp35 Point The Way.esp [Version 1.0.2]36 Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp37 ShootingStars.esp38 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp39 SkyrimCoinReplacer.esp3A SkyrimImprovedPuddles-DG-HF-DB.esp [Version 1.1]3B SMDropLitTorch.esp++ Traps Make Noise.esp3C WetandCold.esp3D WetandCold - Ashes.esp3E Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp3F Footprints.esp40 Footprints - Ash.esp41 SkyUI.esp42 DragonbornArmorFix.esp43 Elemental Staves.esp44 ExplosiveBoltsVisualized.esp45 imp_helm.esp46 imp_helm_dawn.esp47 imp_helm_imp.esp48 imp_guard_helm.esp49 royal_daedric.esp4A SkyRe_Main.esp4B SkyRe_Combat.esp4C SkyRe_CraftingFix.esp4D SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp4E SkyRe_StandingStones.esp4F Gildergreen Regrown.esp [Version 1.2.5]50 Run For Your Lives.esp [Version 1.2.3]51 When Vampires Attack.esp [Version 1.1]52 SkyrimChimneysRW.esp53 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp [Version 1.2.5]54 Appropriately Attired Jarls Redux.esp55 BetterQuestObjectives.esp56 BetterQuestObjectives-Dawnguard.esp57 BetterQuestObjectives-Hearthfire.esp58 BetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.esp59 BlockSparkles.esp5A Distant DetailHF.esp5B DiversePriests.esp5C dynamic fires.esp++ FSS-No pause between lines.esp5D Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp5E WeaponsArmorFixes_GuardDialogueOverhaul_Patch.esp5F masser Size x0.5.esp60 dD-No Twitching Dragon Death Animation.esp++ Proper Aiming.esp61 SkyFalls Plus SkyMills - All DLC.esp62 secunda Size x0.5.esp63 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp64 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dawnguard.esp65 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.esp66 Convenient Horses.esp67 TheChoiceIsYours.esp68 TheChoiceIsYours_Dawnguard.esp69 Thieves Guild Requirements.esp6A Waterbreathing Breathless Emerge.esp6B aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp6C WeaponsArmorFixes_ambSkyforge_Patch.esp6D Oblivion Gates v3 without Markers - Skyrim + Dawnguard DLC.esp6E SoS - The Dungeons.esp [Version 1.23]6F SoS - The Wilds.esp [Version 1.13]70 SoS - Civilization.esp [Version 1.02]71 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp72 Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp73 Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp74 Soul Gems Differ - E.esp75 dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp76 Beards.esp77 Brows.esp78 Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp79 SPTConsistentOlderPeople.esp [Version 1.6]++ moveitLWT.esp7A dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp7B SkyRe_Races.esp7C Animated Weapon Enchants.esp7D DawnguardRuneWeaponsFXSReplacer.esp7E WATER.esp7F WATER Plants.esp80 WATER DG.esp81 WATER DB Waves.esp82 DiversePriests_ConsistentOlderPeoplePatch.esp83 Bashed Patch, 0.esp84 Pre ReProccer WA Fixes aMidianSS Patch.esp85 ReProccer.esp86 ReProccerDragonborn.esp87 qotsafans Miscellaneous ReProccer Patch.esp88 qotsafans Ars Metallica SMIM Patch.esp89 qotsafans Books HF Patch.esp

List of the Installers and of the install Order (as of STEP 2.2.7):

Bain Packages:

000 - == STEP 2.B UTILITIES ==++ 002 - 2.B 03 - ConSkrybe 40-19630-4-0.zip (441BB002) (Installed)++ 003 - 2.B 20 - SUM Program-29865-1-2.zip (ACE45F5C) (Installed)004 - == STEP 2.C EXTENDERS ==005 - == STEP 2.D FIXES ==++ 006 - 2.D 02 - Appropriately Attired Jarls-23793-1-1.7z (1913D0BB) (Installed)++ 007 - 2.D 03 - Argonian Decapitation Fix-22624-1-0.rar (19B30E6C) (Installed)++ 008 - 2.D 05 - bowlegged_jump_fix_11-7416-1-1.7z (94FAF991) (Installed)++ 010 - 2.D 07 - Consistent Older People 16 All NPCs-19730-1-6.7z (FEA2ECDD) (Installed)++ 011 - 2.D 07.5 - DCF_plugin-36125-1-3.zip (DBB394B5) (Installed)++ 012 - 2.D 08 - Dead Body Collision-30947-v1-0.rar (8853B30B) (Installed)++ 013 - 2.D 08.5 - Dual Sheath Redux-34155-1-6b [Many Patches].7z (7D7BAE8F) (Installed)++ 014 - 2.D 08.5.patch - aMidianborn Book of SIlence pack-34155-v1-9.7z (9D35294C) (Installed)++ 015 - 2.D 08.5.patch - Elemental Staffs Pack-34155-.7z (FF74DF45) (Installed)++ 016 - 2.D 08.5.patch - Skyrim Weapon De-LARP-ification Project Pack-34155-.7z (CDE810B0) (Installed)++ 017 - 2.D 08.5.patch - T3nd0s Skyrim Redone Pack-34155- (1).7z (47CFE26A) (Installed)++ 018 - 2.D 08.7 - Skyrim -Elys- AltF4 v1-17202-1-0-0-0.rar (DE7242F8) (Installed)++ 019 - 2.D 09 - Fast travel fimescale fix-19389-1-0.zip (11E687DB) (Installed)++ 020 - 2.D 10 - Fuz Ro Doh 60-14884-6-0.zip (1341C2F3) (Installed)++ 021 - 2.D 10.5 - Guard Dialogue Overhaul-23390-1-301.7z (321A15AE) (Installed)++ 022 - 2.D 10.5.lang - Guard Dialogue Overhaul - Italian-23390-1-301.rar (0508D5DB) (Installed)++ 023 - 2.D 11 - Nitpick 60-19556-6-0.zip (B4343721) (Installed)++ 024 - 2.D 12 - Skyrim Project Optimization - No Homes - Full Version-32505-1-51.rar (3BBF0804) (Installed)++ 025 - 2.D 12.5 - ArgonianSneakTailTwistFix-32949-1-1.7z (2165D193) (Installed)++ 026 - 2.D 12.6 - Trade And Barter - Hearthfire-34612-1-2.zip (C72201D3) (Installed)++ 027 - 2.D 12.7 - Distant Decal Fix 1_2-31982-1-2.7z (FF2133A7) (Installed)++ 028 - 2.D 13 - Unofficial Skyrim Patch 2.0.0a - BSA Version.7z (0C6FBE65) (Installed)++ 029 - 2.D 14 - Unofficial Dawnguard Patch 2.0.0 - BSA Version.7z (ED4487C7) (Installed)++ 030 - 2.D 15 - Unofficial Hearthfire Patch 2.0.0 - BSA Version.7z (20144220) (Installed)++ 031 - 2.D 16 - Unofficial Dragonborn Patch 2.0.0 - BSA Version.7z (90DAA54D) (Installed)++ 032 - 2.D 17 - Unofficial High Resolution Patch 1-1-3a.7z (2B28E8D4) (Installed)++ 033 - 2.D 17.5 - Weapons and Armor Fixes - COMPLETE-34093-3-1 [Many Patches].zip (767F729E) (Installed)++ 035 - 2.D 17.5.patch - Compatibility Patch - Guard Dialogue Overhaul-34093-3-1.zip (6A693F60) (Installed)++ 036 - 2.D 18 - Acquisitive Soul Gems-5312-2-5-1.zip (4D5ACEEA) (Installed)++ 037 - 2.D 20 - Even Better Quest Objectives - Please Use This Version-32695-1-4.7z (DE45B5B8) (Installed)++ 038 - 2.D 21 - Realistic Force-601-1-9.rar (6520968D) (Installed)++ 039 - 2.D 22 - XPMS 1-81 NMM-BAIN Installer-26800-1-81.7z (37DAAF03) (Installed)040 - == STEP 2.E INTERFACE ==++ 041 - 2.E 01 - BLESSINGS - Altar Descriptions-16887-V1.7z (E70E9A9F) (Installed)++ 042 - 2.E 03 - Better Dialogue Controls v1_2-27371-1-2.zip (E3C36BEE) (Installed)++ 043 - 2.E 04 - Better MessageBox Controls v1_2-28170-1-2.zip (4EFBCEA9) (Installed)++ 044 - 2.E 06.5 - Disease Descriptions for the Immersive Adventurer-31202-1-2.7z (C4865608) (Installed)++ 045 - 2.E 07 - DungeonQuestAwareness_1-0-9720-1-0.zip (2B41455A) (Installed)++ 046 - 2.E 08 - HQ3DMap - Meshes Hi-Res-4817-2-0.7z (2831E96D) (Installed)++ 047 - 2.E 08 - HQ3DMap - Textures Original-4817-2-0.7z (9FC58955) (Installed)++ 048 - 2.E 08 - HQ3DMap_Normals_Original_v2.0.7z (22025535) (Installed)++ 050 - 2.E 10 - Standard Tweaks-88-3-2.zip (EAFF4A43) (Installed)++ 051 - 2.E 11 - without wings around keyhole-2845-1-2.rar (95212C76) (Installed)++ 052 - 2.E 12 - Lore-Based Loading Screens 1_0-21265-1-0.zip (3F3A8F07) (Installed)++ 053 - 2.E 13 - Fertigo Pro Font-95-2-0.rar (F1D6059A) (Installed)++ 054 - 2.E 14 - noboringsleepwaitmenu-12625-1-4.7z (BA803B0F) (Installed)++ 055 - 2.E 15 - No Menu and Loading Smoke-No smoke-7901-1-0.rar (0F3C12C5) (Installed)++ 057 - 2.E 19 - Skill_Interface_6.0.0.7z (F454E5B6) (Installed)++ 058 - 2.E 19 - Skill_Interface_(Dawnguard)_5.0.0-7308.7z (54E28D4E) (Installed)++ 059 - 2.E 19.patch - Dawnguard - Werewolf Interface Patch-7308-.rar (E4DD96C8) (Installed)++ 060 - 2.E 19.patch - Skill Interface ReTexture V6 SkyRe Compatibility Patch-7308-6-0-0.rar (07EBA8C5) (Installed)++ 061 - 2.E 20 - SkyUI_4_1-3863-4-1.7z (3C381685) (Installed)++ 062 - 2.E 21 - NACMIM - Full-26822-1-6.zip (8E88D6A5) (Installed)++ 063 - 2.E 22 - SmallerCursor-2317.rar (38D536E5) (Installed)++ 064 - 2.E 23 - Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem Slow Speed-7801-1-01.7z (4B0BEF51) (Installed)++ 065 - 2.E 24 - Time on loading v5-98.zip (9AF0C71C) (Installed)067 - == STEP 2.F CONFLICTING GRAPHICS ==++ 068 - 2.F 01 - Bethesda Hi-Res Optimized --UNIVERSAL---9080-2-0.7z (643AADBF) (Installed)++ 069 - 2.F 01 - Unofficial High Resolution Patch --COMPATIBLE VERSION---9080-1-1-1.7z (4CEB4E15) (Installed)++ 070 - 2.F 01.5 - Ruins_Clutter_Improved_v2-6-14227-2-6.7z (D8B9C395) (Installed)++ 071 - 2.F 02 - Realistic Smoke and Embers Medium v1_4-836.7z (451F04B1) (Installed)++ 072 - 2.F 02.5-1 - Ultimate HD Fire Effects -Medium Resolution--28642-1-9.rar (3FF72ADC) (Installed)++ 073 - 2.F 02.5-2 - Ultimate HD Candle Flames-28642-1-9.rar (45E11FFB) (Installed)++ 074 - 2.F 07 - SMIM v1-57-8655-1-57.7z (7A6B1AFB) (Installed)++ 075 - 2.F 07.update - SMIM Update to 1-58 from 1-56-8655-1-58.7z (04C56210) (Installed)++ 076 - 2.F 08 - Skyrim HD v1_5 LITE - Dungeons-607.7z (B5CE185E) (Installed)++ 077 - 2.F 08 - Skyrim HD v1_5 LITE - Landscape-607.7z (AFEB618D) (Installed)++ 078 - 2.F 08 - Skyrim HD v1_5 LITE - Misc-607.7z (E74ABA44) (Installed)++ 079 - 2.F 08 - Skyrim HD v1_5 LITE - Towns-607.7z (33EC8BC6) (Installed)++ 080 - 2.F 09 - Serious HD Retexture LANDSCAPE 1024px-2146-v2-0.rar (B3D651EE) (Installed)++ 081 - 2.F 09 - Serious HD Retexture RIFTEN 1024px-2146.rar (6B757BA0) (Installed)++ 082 - 2.F 09.5-1 - Skyrim Realistic Overhaul 1_1 1024k-5400-1-1.7z (4F0556B8) (Installed)++ 083 - 2.F 09.5-2 - Skyrim Realistic Overhaul v1_6 Update 1024k-5400-1-6.7z (90E1B945) (Installed)++ 084 - 2.F 09.5-3 - Skyrim Realistic Overhaul Dawnguard 1024k-5400-.7z (35455E54) (Installed)++ 085 - 2.F 10 - HD Misc v1-3595-1-0.zip (57793D3F) (Installed)++ 086 - 2.F 11-1 - Tobes Highres Textures 1_2 1024-1123-1-2.7z (D5F02B4B) (Installed)++ 088 - 2.F 11-2 - Tobes Highres Textures 1_2b SMIM Patch-1123-1-2.7z (34F347B8) (Installed)++ 089 - 2.F 12 - HQ_FOOD-INGREDIENTS_1-6_PerformanceRepack_-1192-1-6.7z (84A16110) (Installed)++ 090 - 2.F 13-1 - Enhanced Distant Terrain 2-39394-1-3.7z (41F42008) (Installed)++ 091 - 2.F 13-2 - Enhanced Distant Terrain 2 - Dragonborn-39394-1-3.7z (76C71644) (Installed)++ 092 - 2.F 14 - A Quality World Map Installer-4929.7z (FDF06CBA) (Installed)093 - == STEP 2.G LANDSCAPE & ENVIRONMENT ==++ 094 - 2.G 01 - aMidianBorn Caves v2 2K-39190-2.7z (59AD0495) (Installed)++ 095 - 2.G 04-1 - Skyrim Flora Overhaul Basic v181b-141-v1-81b.7z (F6CF9ED9) (Installed)++ 096 - 2.G 04-2 - Recolored Pines and LODs for Basic v181b-141-1-2.7z (0E011893) (Installed)++ 097 - 2.G 06 - Chimneys for Skyrim.7z (4C99C854) (Installed)++ 098 - 2.G 07 - Distant Detail Hearthfire Edition-12866-1-0.zip (57CF8884) (Installed)++ 099 - 2.G 08 - Dragon Chiseled-27095-2-1.7z (E0E8E957) (Installed)++ 100 - 2.G 08.5 - HD Enhanced Terrain PRO - Blended Version-29782-PRO.rar (5E57BF5E) (Installed)++ 101 - 2.G 08.8 - Enhanced Distant Terrain 1_65-1598-1-65.7z (7033BE40) (Installed)++ 102 - 2.G 09 - Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 Lower Stars-85-0-4.zip (996B51D6) (Installed)++ 103 - 2.G 10-1 - Footprints v0_99-22745-0-99.7z (ACCFCDAB) (Installed)++ 104 - 2.G 10-2 - Footprints v0_99 - Ash Supplemental-22745-0-99.7z (D5E8FB9F) (Installed)++ 105 - 2.G 12-1 - HQLODs - Meshes Hi-Res-4834.7z (6A26FB17) (Installed)++ 106 - 2.G 13 - Hybrids Hires Plant and Herb Retexture v4-1546.zip (E194AEFE) (Installed)++ 107 - 2.G 14 - Skyrim Improved Puddles BAIN NMM FOMOD-33335-1-1b.7z (2AB0C7F4) (Installed)++ 108 - 2.G 14.5 - Improved Vanilla Mountains HD-40922-1-0.rar (8363C6CB) (Installed)++ 109 - 2.G 15-1 - Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - MCM Special Edition-18916-2-5.rar (B63D6835) (Installed)++ 110 - 2.G 15-2 - Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Default preset-18916-.rar (A19B0736) (Installed)++ 114 - 2.G 16 - HiRes Road Signs Version 3 Worn Text-436-3-0.rar (10582F02) (Installed)++ 115 - 2.G 18 - Moon_Size_Tweaks_v3.0_1037.7z (80485B1B) (Installed)++ 116 - 2.G 19 - Moss Rocks 1-4-31856-1-4.7z (D328316F) (Installed)++ 117 - 2.G 20 - Point The Way-33393-1-0-2.7z (C3805ABF) (Installed)++ 118 - 2.G 21-1 - G_Real_Ice_BAIN-v3.0-5388.7z (C58B182D) (Installed)++ 119 - 2.G 22-1 - Mushroom retexture pack-29935-1-1.rar (D069AC74) (Installed)++ 120 - 2.G 22-2 - mushroom stew-29935-1.rar (2421302F) (Installed)++ 121 - 2.G 24 - Re-Defined Dungeons 1024x1024-3147-1-0.zip (5BF5A54E) (Installed)++ 122 - 2.G 24.5 - SkyFalls plus SkyMills - Total Edition NO Falskaar-40564-2-0.rar (605C7C06) (Installed)++ 123 - 2.G 24.5.ITA - SkyFalls plus SkyMills - ITA2_0-41120-2-0.rar (FB2F3453) (Installed)++ 124 - 2.G 24.6 - The Beauty of Skyrim - Dungeons-37496-Preview.7z (A522ACB8) (Installed)++ 125 - 2.G 24.8 - Terrain Bump Landscape Normals - Performance-37950-1-4c NO MOUNTAINS.7z (5FE36F65) (Installed)++ 126 - 2.G 25 - Trees_HD_(High)_v1.6.7z (49D6AC80) (Installed)++ 127 - 2.G 25.5-1 - Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised - yellow 1024-43221-1-3.7z (E2758C72) (Installed)++ 128 - 2.G 25.5-2 - SMIM compatibility patch-43221-1-3.7z (95747A3C) (Installed)++ 129 - 2.G 26 - Vibrant Auroras 1_2-6675-1-2.7z (6F6DB39F) (Installed)++ 130 - B_Visible Windows_(LR)_BAIN-v1.2-6971.7z (DD11FA27) (Installed)++ 131 - 2.G 28 - WATER 1_8-13268-1-8.7z (3AD3BA49) (Installed)++ 132 - 2.G 29 - Whitrun Trellis Texture 1024 v_1_1-1647.zip (452011F7) (Installed)++ 133 - 2.G 30 - windmills resized -30026-1-1.rar (5DDC40C9) (Installed)134 - == STEP 2.H CHARACTER & CREATURES ==++ 135 - 2.H 01 - Bellyache's Creature Pack - Default Animal Replacement Med Res-3621-1-7.zip (A9923EC2) (Installed)++ 138 - 2.H 04 - Realistic Hair-3397-1-0.rar (8E0DBE20) (Installed)++ 139 - 2.H 05 - Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - All-in-one NMM installer and BAIN Package - UPDATED-36510-2-01.7z (723B292B) (Installed)++ 140 - 2.H 06 - Beards Normal Resolution-28363-v2-0.rar (821C33E6) (Installed)++ 141 - 2.H 07 - Bellyache HD Dragon Replacer Final-29631-1-3.7z (D77B7FE3) (Installed)++ 142 - 2.H 08 - Better_Beast_Races-2_00-Lite-944-2-0L.7z (F26E2B9F) (Installed)++ 143 - 2.H 09 - Better Freckles v1_0_1-4502-1-0-1.7z (93C5D4B4) (Installed)++ 145 - 2.H 12 - Breathing Idles Female without BBB and Male Breathing Idles V0_1-7093.rar (4457EB8C) (Installed)++ 146 - 2.H 13 - Brows Normal Resolution-30411-v2-0.rar (4B76EA03) (Installed)++ 147 - 2.H 14 - FIXED Coverkhajiits_1024x1024-5941-1-0.7z (5E90A4E7) (Installed)++ 148 - 2.H 15 - Dawnguard Rewritten - Arvak-24019-1-1-1.7z (05638C98) (Installed)++ 149 - 2.H 16 - Diverse Priests-18180-2.7z (C89EC590) (Installed)++ 150 - 2.H 17 - Female Vampires Have Fangs-22522-0-1.7z (23A2E5A0) (Installed)++ 151 - 2.H 18 - Fraost Atronach HD-27643-1-0.rar (21C67747) (Installed)++ 152 - 2.H 19 - Even Better Ice Wraiths - Completely Redone-32741-v1.rar (AC8ACAC0) (Installed)++ 154 - 2.H 22 - new children dirt skin-6172-2.rar (A9A47C76) (Installed)++ 155 - 2.H 23 - PondFish and Salmon Replacer - texture FILES-38440-1-1.7z (E3F93550) (Installed)++ 157 - 2.H 25 - XCE-1_13.7z (09B4B0CC) (Installed)++ 158 - 2.H 26 - XCED-1_00-21839-1-0.7z (9E88F972) (Installed)++ 159 - 2.H 27 - Better Male Feet-32378-.rar (243D8B56) (Installed)++ 160 - 2.H 27.patch - Dawnguard Patch-32378-.rar (854D46DA) (Installed)++ 161 - 2.H 28 - Natural Eyes Low Res-3589-1-4.7z (19DC78FF) (Installed)162 - == STEP 2.I CLOATHING & EQUIPMENT ==++ 163 - 2.I 01 - Accingite Vos HQ Shields-225-1.rar (88CA953A) (Installed)++ 164 - 2.I 02 - Better Circlets MD 1K V1o1-6495.rar (32541569) (Installed)++ 165 - 2.I 03 - aMidianBorn book of silence_ARMORS-24909-1-8-5.7z (D390847E) (Installed)++ 166 - 2.I 03 - aMidianBorn book of silence_Creatures-24909-1-9.7z (B2D92C56) (Installed)++ 167 - 2.I 03 - aMidianBorn book of silence_UNIQUE ITEMS-24909-1-8-5.7z (F9830F77) (Installed)++ 168 - 2.I 03 - aMidianBorn book of silence_WEAPONS-24909-1-8-5.7z (7214493E) (Installed)++ 169 - 2.I 03 - aMidianBorn book of silence_DRAGONBORN DLC-24909-1-9.7z (71E76650) (Installed)++ 170 - 2.I 03.hotfix - Bonemold Hotfix-24909-1-9.zip (E42F719B) (Installed)++ 171 - 2.I 03.hotfix - Skyforge Hotfix-24909-1-9.zip (2E72B272) (Installed)++ 172 - 2.D 17.5.patch - Compatibility Patch - aMidianborn Skyforge Weapons-34093-3-1.zip (584576E6) (Installed)++ 173 - 2.I 04 - daedric_2_5_3_full_def_glow-3104-2-5-3.rar (BCBA9A31) (Installed)++ 174 - 2.I 04.update - daedric_2_5_5_sa_upd-3104.rar (EB7EBDB6) (Installed)++ 175 - 2.I 05 - Explosive Bolts Visualized v1_0_2-21922-1-0-2.7z (4E527BFD) (Installed)++ 176 - 2.I 05.1- Explosive Bolts Visualized HD Textures-21922-1.7z (7D632216) (Installed)++ 177 - 2.I 06 - Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows - NMM-Bash Compatible Wizard-5711-4-1.7z (584BCEA7) (Installed)++ 178 - 2.I 07 - Elemental Staffs 1K-15152-1-00.rar (60A6CE1E) (Installed)++ 179 - 2.I 07.update - Elemental Staffs Update-15152-1-10.rar (532D30AA) (Installed)++ 180 - 2.I 08 - Elven_Weapons_for_Silence_v1.1.7z (A0E07E67) (Installed)++ 181 - 2.I 09.1 - Skyrim Weapon DeLARPification Project v1_0_5-16072-1-0-5.7z (505670B5) (Installed)++ 182 - 2.I 09.2 - Skyrim Weapon DeLARPification Project Dawnguard v1_0-16072-DG1-0.7z (C160E062) (Installed)++ 183 - 2.I 09.3 - Skyrim Weapon DeLARPification Project Dawnguard v1_0_1-16072-1-0-1.7z (3ED3CBE2) (Installed)++ 184 - 2.I 10 - Greatsword Sheaths and Scabbards Redux NMM Installer-27178-2-6.7z (5B5A6E45) (Installed)++ 185 - 2.I 11 - Improved Closefaced Helmets --FULL SET-- V0_9-15927-0-9.zip (D46281CC) (Installed)++ 186 - 2.I 11.1- improved imperial full face helmet - no cloth around the neck--15927-0-9.zip (7D649795) (Installed)++ 187 - 2.I 11.2 - improved guard helmets -tighter eye holes--15927-0-9.zip (8882E5D9) (Installed)++ 188 - 2.I 11.3 - Improved Dawnguard helmets-15927-0-9b.zip (EB637ECF) (Installed)++ 189 - 2.D 17.5.patch - Improved Closefaced Helmets -- WAF Compatible Versions-34093-3-11.zip (26210861) (Installed)++ 190 - 2.I 12 - jewels of the nord - low res-27038-1-2.rar (DD48596B) (Installed)++ 191 - 2.I 13 - Nightingale Prime HD - Leather Version-28899-Final.zip (A3C1FE0A) (Installed)++ 192 - 2.I 14 - Corrected Wrecked Version-3375-0-9a.zip (9D70BDEF) (Installed)++ 193 - 2.I 15 - ShieldOfYsgramor_update-2121-1.rar (D1BD7B72) (Installed)++ 194 - 2.I 16 - Ultimate HD Torch MedRes - 1024x1024-28060-1-3.rar (149C2A48) (Installed)++ 195 - 2.I 16.1 - Ultimate HD Torch -less glowing cloth- MedRes 1024x1024-28060-.rar (0F573003) (Installed)196 - == STEP 2.J ANIMATIONS & EFFECTS ==++ 197 - 2.J 01 NO - Animated Weapon Enchants-12668-1-14.zip (8C9B56BE) (Installed)++ 198 - 2.J 02 BAINED - Better_Turn_Animation_v1-1-8080.7z (0804BF89) (Installed)++ 199 - 2.J 02 - Fix Crossed Swords and Turn with Leg move-8080-1-1.rar (BD2BD1B6) (Installed)++ 200 - 2.J 04 - DSI Med 1_6_1-2947-1-6-1.7z (77BAF456) (Installed)++ 201 - 2.J 04.5 - Dual Wield Blocking Animations-14915-1-0.zip (5C1E520F) (Installed)++ 202 - 2.J 05 - Enchantment Effect Replacer - 2XRes-1345-1-0.zip (422E60F4) (Installed)++ 203 - 2.J 08 - Finer Dust-2636-1-0.zip (EB911133) (Installed)++ 204 - 2.J 09 - Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS Correct Metal - clean version by RPSGC-10445-1-1CLEAN.zip (0EC90021) (Installed)++ 205 - 2.J 10 - MintyLightningModV23_Loose_Files-15506-23-0.zip (200DC8F7) (Installed)++ 206 - 2.J 10.5 - FNIS Behavior V4_0_2 -- ALWAYS necessary-11811-4-0-2.7z (B55D470F) (Installed)++ 207 - 2.J 11 - No Spinning Death Animation v1-17214-1-0.rar (376CC873) (Installed)++ 208 - 2.J 11 - No Twitching Dragon Death Animation-17214.rar (28851275) (Installed)++ 209 - 2.J 12 - Rainbows v1_05-25666-1-05.7z (B1798048) (Installed)++ 210 - 2.J 14 - Dawnguard Rune Weapons FXS Replacer-29735-1-0.zip (AF918F8D) (Installed)++ 211 - 2.J 15 - Running with a bow 3rd person-12426-1-0.zip (D6DD6AB8) (Installed)++ 212 - 2.J 15.5 - Smaller Ice Spike 50-31899-1-1.zip (EA31375D) (Installed)++ 213 - 2.J 16 - Shooting Stars v1_041-25022-1-041.7z (0865A6C5) (Installed)++ 214 - 2.J 17 - Pine Needles FX-6387-2.zip (70F03864) (Installed)++ 215 - 2.J 17 - Rainfall FX-6387-2.zip (BD1C1281) (Installed)++ 216 - 2.J 17 - Snowfall FX-6387.zip (7AD0C50D) (Installed)++ 217 - 2.J 17 - The Rift - Aspen Leaves FX - Super Performance-6387.zip (1FB75F14) (Installed)++ 218 - 2.J 18 - Skyrim sunglare V4_1 HD -no lens flare--116.rar (ABD9489D) (Installed)219 - == STEP 2.K CLUTTER & MISCELLANEOUS ==++ 220 - 2.K 02 - Better Bones-12085-1.7z (953D44D8) (Installed)++ 221 - 2.K 03 - Better Shadowmarks-10056-1.zip (F11D03CE) (Installed)++ 222 - 2.K 04 - Tenets Restored 1_3 - Standard Edition-31087-1-3.7z (8DE567A5) (Installed)++ 223 - 2.K 05 - Designs of The Nords Banners-13429-1-5.zip (2D26D92D) (Installed)++ 224 - 2.K 05.5 - Chests_WashedOut_Dirty_2048-4457-1-2.rar (0B76FE53) (Installed)++ 225 - 2.K 07 - Detailed_Rugs_v1-3-29608-1-3.7z (815D8B12) (Installed)++ 226 - 2.K 08 - Enhanced HD Dragon Bones 2k v1_6a all options-28741-1-6a.7z (6ADAB2E2) (Installed)++ 227 - 2.K 09 - HD Baskets Fixed-2782-1-1.7z (02276039) (Installed)++ 228 - 2.K 10 - HD_Linens-2979-1-0.zip (7A5FC04C) (Installed)++ 229 - 2.K 11 - HD Ore And Ingots with manager-9912-1-0.7z (43649D74) (Installed)++ 230 - 2.K 12 BAINED - HD_Sacks_Retex.7z (3FF1714E) (Installed)++ 231 - 2.K 13 - HQ Paper-5988-2-3.rar (DC990D80) (Installed)++ 232 - 2.K 14 - ISW Medium v1_3-2532-1-3.7z (E83FC324) (Installed)++ 233 - 2.K 15 - Ultimate HD Torch by rheadude compatible-6950-1-0.rar (AD037FD8) (Installed)++ 234 - 2.K 16 - Smudged Glass Version-3693.7z (1B8FD1A6) (Installed)++ 235 - 2.K 17 - HD Keys With Normal Maps-2875-1.7z (70742CA4) (Installed)++ 236 - 2.K 19 - Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and BOOZE v2 NON GLOW-18799-2-0.rar (33A0F96A) (Installed)++ 237 - 2.K 20 - Realistic Instruments Pack-8027-1.zip (03DC7F91) (Installed)++ 238 - 2.K 22 BAINED - Septim_HD_1.0.7z (3D314A71) (Installed)++ 239 - 2.K 23 - Mystery Modders Shrines HD-30932-1-2.7z (66B2FD5E) (Installed)++ 240 - 2.K 24 - Ceramic Style Poisons-4259-v3-0.rar (F12CC516) (Installed)++ 241 - 2.K 24 - Ceramic Style Potions-4259-v3-0.rar (E92A3C49) (Installed)++ 242 - 2.K 25 - SLOD Wine Cellar Full Pack-4260.rar (00D5DD67) (Installed)++ 243 - 2.K 25.patch - Less Saturated Labels-4260.rar (ACAC3F32) (Installed)++ 244 - 2.K 26 BAINED - Skyrim_Redesigned_v1.0.7z (EF3B25BA) (Installed)++ 245 - 2.K 27 - Soul Gems Differ - BAIN Wizard-6335-1-5-4.7z (536961AE) (Installed)++ 246 - 2.K 28 - Super Realistic Ore Textures-3794-1.zip (F17118AB) (Installed)++ 247 - 2.K 29 - Sweet Mother HD-4947-2-0.7z (F0DA5290) (Installed)248 - == STEP 2.L SOUND ==++ 249 - 2.L 03 - Better Animal Footsteps 1-24805-1-0.rar (6BA48A93) (Installed)++ 250 - 2.L 04 - FSS_-_Better_Bards-6496-1-0.7z (061145B8) (Installed)++ 251 - 2.L 05 - Better Horse Pain Sounds-12608-1.zip (22BCB852) (Installed)++ 252 - 2.L 06 - BWS v1_1-17903.zip (7D5448CE) (Installed)++ 253 - 2.L 07.5 - Dragons Shout with Voice - Loose-35286-1-0.rar (187E69B4) (Installed)++ 254 - 2.L 07.5 - Dragons Shout with Voice from location-35286-1-0.rar (DB709B74) (Installed)++ 255 - 2.L 08 - Realistic werewolves - Feral werewolf Sounds-13779-1-4.rar (1D6D354A) (Installed)++ 256 - 2.L 09 - Immersive Skyrim Thunder V6-1702-V6.rar (CB1CE707) (Installed)++ 257 - 2.L 10 - Improved Combat Sounds V2 2-5289-2-2.zip (6F010C5D) (Installed)++ 259 - 2.L 11 - Improved Horse step Sounds v2-31039-2.zip (9986132C) (Installed)++ 260 - 2.L 11.5 - LowerVolume-1826-1.rar (2E0E37D3) (Installed)++ 261 - 2.L 12 - Bow sound-27208-1.rar (230DD09B) (Installed)++ 262 - 2.L 13 - Main File --fixed the Normal Crossbow sound---31274-.rar (24A5031A) (Installed)++ 263 - 2.L 14 - Realistic Wolf Howls final-30636-1-3.rar (21908E43) (Installed)++ 264 - 2.L 17 - Smooth draw and Sheathe sfx - Full options-1117-2-3.7z (B9F93840) (Installed)++ 265 - 2.L 17.50 - Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization 1_02 Full Version-20193-1-02.zip (E57798C2) (Installed)++ 267 - 2.L 17.51 - Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons Full 1_23-8601-1-23.zip (85D5E0FE) (Installed)++ 269 - 2.L 17.52 - Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds 1_13 Full Version-10886-1-13.zip (C3B4BC11) (Installed)++ 271 - 2.L 18 - Thundering Shouts - loose files-3799-1-2.7z (C07507F6) (Installed)++ 272 - 2.L 19 - WBE_1_1-9962.zip (C304B271) (Installed)273 - == STEP 2.M GAMEPLAY ==++ 274 - 2.M 01 - Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement-16084-1-2-1.7z (17DCF38B) (Installed)++ 275 - 2.M 02 - Auto Unequip Ammo v5_0-10753-5-0.zip (10B49E2F) (Installed)++ 276 - 2.M 03 - Bring Out Your Dead-14178-1-2-1.7z (012ACFE3) (Installed)++ 277 - 2.M 04 - Candle Lanterns of the North - Dawnguard Edition - No BSA Version-22986-1-1NoBSADG.zip (10FB1B1B) (Installed)++ 278 - 2.M 05 - ClamsDropPearls-9037-1-0.7z (A704FBBF) (Installed)++ 279 - 2.M 06 - Convenient Horses v4_9-14950-4-9.zip (ACB29D5D) (Installed)++ 280 - 2.M 06.ITA - Convenient Horses 4_9 ITA-27262-4-9.rar (F1DBAA34) (Installed)++ 281 - 2.M 09 - Thieves Guild Requirements-14157-1-5.zip (0E26BCBA) (Installed)++ 282 - 2.M 10 - SM Drop Lit Torches V2-0-10394-V2-0.zip (958EEF36) (Installed)++ 283 - 2.M 10.5 - 00 Dual Wield Parrying SKSE 3_0 beta-9247-3-0b.zip (0693186F) (Installed)++ 284 - 2.M 10.5 - Dual Wield Blocking Animations-14915-1-0.zip (5C1E520F) (Installed)++ 285 - 2.M 11 - DYnamic Fires Revision 3-17969-Rev-03.zip (E7203901) (Installed)++ 286 - 2.M 12 - Follower Trap Safety v1_2-11609-1-2.zip (C93FF7ED) (Installed)++ 287 - 2.M 13 - Gildergreen Regrown-12254-1-2-5.7z (1DC60326) (Installed)++ 288 - 2.M 15 - Lantern Caretakers-30506-1-0.rar (EB70B30E) (Installed)++ 290 - 2.M 17 - More Salt Please-13321-1-2.rar (96FB0A78) (Installed)++ 291 - 2.M 17 - More Salt Please - Dragonborn Addon-13321-1-2.rar (1DC75D4C) (Installed)++ 292 - 2.M 18 - Move_it - Less Wait Time-4020-1-01.zip (D05F7473) (Installed)++ 293 - 2.M 19 - Reduced Distance NPC Greetings-746.7z (69A9D0B9) (Installed)++ 295 - 2.M 20.5 - Oblivion Gates v3 Skyrim and Dawnguard DLC-22369-3-1.zip (54EE0C04) (Installed)++ 296 - 2.M 21 - The Paarthurnax Dilemma-18465-1-2-5.7z (B2B47483) (Installed)++ 297 - 2.M 23 - Run For Your Lives-23906-1-2-3.7z (310108DD) (Installed)++ 298 - 2.M 24 - Skyrim Coin Replacer-8611-1-7.zip (3A03F2AF) (Installed)++ 299 - 2.M 25 - Skyrim -Community- Uncapper v1_15_1_1-1175-1-15-1-1.rar (BA0F562D) (Installed)++ 300 - 2.M 26 - The Choice is Yours - main file-26359-1-3.zip (3306C9F7) (Installed)++ 301 - 2.M 26 - The Choice is Yours - Dawnguard-26359-1-3.zip (1AB49776) (Installed)++ 302 - 2.M 27 - Traps Make Noise-31799-1-2.zip (1AEF746A) (Installed)++ 303 - 2.M 27 - Traps Make Noise - Follower Safety Patch-31799-1-11.zip (E999B62C) (Installed)++ 304 - 2.M 28 - Wearable Lanterns 2_2a No BSA-17416-2-2aNoBSA.zip (FE44193F) (Installed)++ 305 - 2.M 28.ITA - Wearable Lanterns - Traduzione Italiana-18523-2-2a.rar (DBFD9ECE) (Installed)++ 306 - 2.M 29 - Lanterns for Caravans - No BSA-23017-1-0NoBSA.zip (6E6C334F) (Installed)++ 307 - 2.M 29.ITA - Lanterns for Caravans - Traduzione Italiana-18523-1-0.rar (F166E96D) (Installed)++ 308 - 2.M 30 - Lanterns for Guards - Optional Add-On - No BSA-24568-1-0NoBSA.zip (C38BEC56) (Installed)++ 309 - 2.M 30.ITA - Lanterns for Guards - Traduzione italiana-18523-1-0.rar (FAC5904C) (Installed)++ 310 - 2.M 31 - When Vampires Attack-28235-1-1.7z (86915F79) (Installed)++ 311 - 2.M 32 - Wet and Cold v1_31-27563-1-31.7z (CA07DC74) (Installed)++ 312 - 2.M 32.ITA - Wet and Cold v 1.31 - ITA.rar (96C712A2) (Installed)++ 314 - 2.M 33 - Wet and Cold - Ashes v1_06-31968-1-06.7z (6D4FCC0E) (Installed)++ 315 - 2.M 32.ITA - Wet and Cold - Ashes v 1.06 - ITA.rar (DC9E96C5) (Installed)316 - ==_________________________________________==++ 317 - SkyRe_1301-9286-1-3-01.7z (0F067006) (Installed)++ 318 - ReProccer_25-28467-2-5.7z (BC91D5CA) (Installed)++ 319 - Skyrim redone ITA 1.3.1.rar (5FB67836) (Installed)++ 320 - Balbor-and-Steelsouls ReProccer Patch V3-7-27092-3-7.rar (BA0FC570) (Installed)++ 321 - All-in-One ReProccer Patches NMM and Wrye Bash Version-29375-3-7-4.rar (B72E40A6) (Installed)++ 322 - Proper Aiming 1_1-13652-1-1.rar (4800E883) (Installed)++ 323 - SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators v1_37 Full Pack-10175-1-37.7z (71A47692) (Installed)++ 324 - SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators - Dawnguard-10175-1-28.7z (100835CE) (Installed)++ 325 - SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators - Dragonborn-10175-1-35.7z (24AF3FDD) (Installed)++ 326 - Dynamic Torches 2-8070.rar (A30AA667) (Installed)328 - ==Last==

Dual Sheath Redux is now unistalled, but the problem was still there when it was on and working properly

I'm used to do this every time I chanhe somthing:
- enable all the esp-esm up to the bashed patch

- run Boss

- rebuild the patch and enable it

- run the dual sheath redux skyproc patch and enable it

- run the Reproccer skyproc patch and enable it and all of the other installed patches

- run "generate FNIS for users"

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Penny Flame
Posts: 3336
Joined: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:53 am

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