Aren't games supposed to be fun? What kinda fun do u get from constantly pressing a key or crouching next to a pole? isn't that more like working than having fun?
my few questions for the exploiters.
"Aren't games supposed to be fun?" So then, why do you not let us use certain weapons/attachments until we've played a certain amount of time?
In my opinion there should be no levelling up, that belongs in an RPG not an FPS.
Boosting is boring though I would say.
When I meet boosters in a CTF game, here's what I love to do:
1. Blow 'em up with C4

2. Blow 'em up with a JAW

3. Run at them with a grenade kamikaze

4. Kick cars at them

5. Air stomp them!

6. Stealth kill them! (SPECTER!)

the possibilities are endless!