Basically, I need a mesh that is a cube with slightly beveled edges, at least on one face but ideally on all six. Kind of the shape of a die, but less bevel and no dots. I don't know what you call the units in TESCS, but the size I need is 192 units wide. Maybe a bevel taking up 10 units? So, the flat faces would be 172 units. No Havok or anything fancy is needed. These will be used as statics.
As far as textures go, I need a black cube and a white cube with a marble or stone look to them. The will be used to build a checkerboard type pattern. The reason I want the individual cubes (instead of a solid mesh checkerboard) is so I can align them with slight imperfections making them look "worn".
If any of this can be done by just retexturing existing meshes (from vanilla Oblivion or other mod resources) I have no problem with that. If you go that route though, just let me know what resource(s) were used so I can give credit. You will also get full credit for your work when I get this mod released.
If you have any questions, let me know. And, if you are able to help me with this, definitely let me know!