Here's a copy/paste of my story from the UMP/MPP bug report thread
And now for some bad news. As seems to happen around here, my HDD failed, near the end of February. I have only as of today gotten the computer back up and running. I am pretty sure the data is intact as I believe that the read/write head just won't move. I am going to shop around for data recovery. While I know it is expensive, I am determined to get the data back even though there shouldn't be anything of great importance on it. And it seems the only external I have is not turning on now either, which is just my luck. I swear that I have terrible luck. The external does have important things... Hopefully that is just a problem with the power supply...
In my defense, I know all about backing up regularly ( though I don't think I had backed-up my modding work onto the external ), but in my current position I am stuck using my girlfriend's computer, and while I have told her for a long time now to get new drives, it wasn't until I could tell they were failing that she finally began, but they failed before we could get the drives and transfer the data. It's not really entirely the fault of either of us I guess, but I don't think it would have happened if I had my computer with me. Not that any of that is really relevant, but that's how it is.
I still haven't looked into recovering it, but on the plus side, the external works, just the power cord is damaged. I didn't have much of anything in the way of mod work that didn't need to be redone anyway, but... but... my bug list...
I feel for you Illy, but at least you have a backup. Hope it works out well.