In Fallout 4 we have a new situation, a protagonist who has lived through the time and culture of the late 2070's (which we know has retained the fashion and culture of the 1950's US.
The protagonists from Fallout 1 and 3 are vault dwellers with a Vault culture.
The protagonists from Fallout 2 and NV are more familiar with the wasteland, if isolated and dazed/confused.
I think role playing a '1950's' mindset of war and war with fictional China to be fascinating.
And to see how the protagonist may deal with the change from war torn 2077 to c.2277.
One would image the protagonist will go through culture shock stages of denial, distress, accommodation and mastery.
How would you like this to affect your role play?
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For reference, I've linked to some Fallout lore items and some real sources from the 1950's.
Assuming the protagonist is a veteran (and so the dates are easy), I'm assuming an age of 27.
- Age 13 - Vaults mostly completed with vault drills in cities.
- Age 16 - China invades Alaska.
- Age 18-27 - Protagonist's involvement in the armed forces (unspecified)
- Age 27 - Alaska retaken.
- Age 27 - Bombs fall.
1950's culture
oh wow, some of these real 1950's information films are quite enlightening of the period...
The classic 'Duck and Cover' safety film (1951)
'Self Self Preservation In An Atomic Attack' (1950)
'The Atom Soldier' (1955)
'Survival Under Atomic Attack' (1951)