I know, but there's so much LAmenting becuase th eMage is getting "nerfed" but the mage was mega-overpowered in Oblivion, so nerfing him makes sense. Spelll Creation is the only legitmate complaint in the magic department.
That is an entirely subjective bit of tripe. Magic, if carefully managed in Oblivion, was poerful, and could overwhelm lesser foes, as it should have done. Other skills could also be overpowering to lesser foes once the player became very powerful, which is proper.
There was no mandate to use powerful spells.
Anyway, don't dance on the grave of magic users just yet. By all indicators, the magic in Skyrim will still allow you to pawn enemies. It will simply be, possibly, less efficient to use, and less effective in things like lighting dungeons and breathing water.