– Deadly Diseasesv2.6
Download @ TesAlliance:http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/498-disease-cure-overhaul-deadly-diseases/ No official mirrors at the moment
Background and inspiration:
The vanilla diseases were a reall laugh, even when you've got 5 diseases you would get rid of them just as easy as always.
Now it changes, this mod makes it harder to get rid of diseases and gives serious side-effects if you fail to cure them.
UPDATE: If you've got a problem with disappearing interiors please download the patch
Black: Normal .esm features
Blue: Extreme Diseases.esp features
? 5 Grades of potions with varying chances of curing all your diseases
? Overhaul of the original Cure Disease Spell:
(More willpower + restoration + luck = Higher chance to cure)But the spell requires Ingredients to even work
? Everything added to Levelled lists
? If you use the spell without having the ingredients it will add a note called List of Ingredients in which is stated what you need to use the spell.
? Changes to all Cure Disease Ingredients (Mandrake root is deadly in Real-Life)
? Deadly side-effects when you try and fail to cure your diseases...
? Ingredients overhauled, No more cure disease effects on ingredients
? Chapel healing changed, it now adds a 10 minute 15 point luck increase instead of disease curing
? Ingredients needed to cure: 5 Clannfear Claws, 20 elf cup cap, 20 mandrake root
? 3 grades of syringes to increase chance that the Cure Disease Spell works (Custom Mesh and Texture by Donnato, Icon by Lemon)
? more diseases, some deadly some just plain annoying (made by Lemon)
The new diseases are:
Lich's Curse - Lich/Nether Lich
Common Cold - Zombies/Rats
Corruption - High level enemies
Lemownzi - Spider Daedra, Storm/Fire/Ice Atronachs
Mixals - Spider Daedra, Daedroths
Physical Paranoia - Scamps
Stonevein - Ghosts, Wraights
Extreme Swampfever - Shambles
- All diseases are deadly, they're 2x, 3x or even 6x stronger
- New disease: Sanguine Curse - A watered down version of the original vampirism
? OBSE (except for Non-OBSE version)
? Shivering Isles
Anything that changes the cure disease spell or potion
Fully compatible with http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31668 and I recommend using both together it makes the chapels actually useful

Make a clean save,
Cure Disease Overhaul - Deadly Diseases (OBSE /DiseaseOverhaulNon-OBSE.esp
Cure Disease Overhaul - Deadly Diseases (OBSE).esm/Cure Disease Overhaul - Deadly Diseases (Non-OBSE).esm
Just put all the files in your Oblivion/data Folder
Remove all files associated to this mod
(CureDiseaseOverhaul.bsa and Cure Disease Overhaul - Deadly Diseases (OBSE).esm / Cure Disease Overhaul - Deadly Diseases (Non-OBSE).esm
Optional: remove Cure Disease Overhaul – Extreme Diseases.esp
Donnato - Syringe Model and textures
Lemon – Testing, the added diseases and the increase of lethality of all diseases
Everyone at TESA - for supporting me
Anyone else I forgot - Send me a message and I'll add you
Potion and Spell Related:
Dane – TesAlliance (preferred way of contacting me)
XengYou – gamesas Forums
Disease Related:
Lemon – gamesas and TesAlliance
Potion and Spell Related:
Dane – TesAlliance (preferred way of contacting me)
XengYou – gamesas Forums
contact me for permission to use this mod, if I don’t respond within 2 weeks you can use it.
Disease Related:
Lemon – gamesas and TesAlliance
contact me for permission to use this mod, if I don’t respond within 2 weeks you can use it.