Cure vampirism script for potion.

Post » Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:09 am

I'm doing a bit of an overhaul for a mod I made about a year ago, due to balance reasons I gave the lesser vampires (the ones who attack Skyrim who are found outside of their faction specific bases) a major weakness to silver weapons and fire damage, and hopefully fixing a glitch with a teleporting boat not working properly, and on top of that now I am attempting to also add a potion that cures vampirism as well.

Using removespell scripts I managed to make it remove all of the Berne/Quarra/Aundae specific abilities (I didn't mod vampirism itself, because I want it to be compatible with all other vampire mods)... And anyways... The only thing missing now, is I somehow need a script to add to this potion, that cures vampirism itself. If anyone knows what to do about this, I'll really appreciate it.

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Emily Martell
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Post » Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:35 am

Create a Magic Effect, and attach this script to the Magic Effect. And then add the magic effect to the potion.

Scriptname LectraVampireCureScript extends ActiveMagicEffectQuest property PlayerVampireQuest autoEvent OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)    akCaster == myActor    (PlayerVampireQuest as PlayerVampireQuestScript).VampireCure(myActor)EndEvent
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