i found Curie, however after running around with Codsworth and seeing him try and fail to melee 5 mirelurks. i decided not to take companions around who can't be Stimpacked back to life.
i gazed upon Codsworth's crumpled body trying desperately to interact with it maybe repair it with some of the wrenches or screws i had in my junk. but he just lay there dead
I haven't gotten it yet because I haven't gone to Hubris Comics. But I think I'll be visiting there tonight. I've seen pictures of the Grognak costume though, and there's a good chance that one of my female companions will be wearing it.
Curie seems fitting because she loves melee weapons anyway.
you apparently had her as a robot.
hang on for a bit, you WILL be able to stimpack her
I had her try it on but she's way more durable in regular armor. Gave her the axe until I modded her a super sledge though.
She went 1v1 with a deathclaw in the glowing sea, without a weapon. She got smashed but it was great to see her fighting in the distance lmao
you can't stimpak them (any of them) just because they're injured.
you can only do so when they're in bleedout (they'll sit around on the floor looking groggy when they are)
if they are, you'll get the "stimpak xyz" prompt instead of "activate xyz", even nick, though he's a robot