I have a script that allows the player to perform a killmove on NPCs who are playing the bleedingOut animation. All the player has to do is activate the NPC who is bleeding out.
I noticed that my script works fine with NPCs who enter the bleedingOut animation as a result of the vanilla game telling them so (which can occur when their health is below 10%). However, if I force an NPC to play the bleedingOut animation by using:
Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Target, "bleedOutStart")
then my script doesn't work.
The script detects whether the NPC is playing the bleedOut animation by checking:
Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) akActionRef = PlayerRef If(!Target.IsBleedingOut() || isNPC == 0) return Else ;code EndIfEndEvent
So my understanding is that, for some reason, sending the relevant animation event is not enough for IsBleedingOut() to become true (which seems strange).
The only difference between the vanilla bleedingOut and the one resulting from the AnimationEvent is, as far as I know, that during the former the affected NPC recovers HP. Maybe that's the reason why it doesn't work?
I know the question is very specific but if anybody has any input/idea on how to make my script reconigze forced bleedouts, that would be great.
Thanks in advance.