Not talking about co-op experiences but Single-player-----though if you would like to share, that's okay, but just remember that
people playing single-player mode don't have a human backup to rely on (lol!) and the AI may be different.
I want to know if the game systems, the missions or objectives, difficulty levels, classes, etc, have an effect on the bots.
So, what are your personal experiences with bots in single-player? Anything interesting you observed? Any patterns? Anything funny?
Try to add some of the following info. the best you can. Doesn't have to be precise, just a general idea.
What game system?
What faction?
What difficulty level?
What character level?
What class was your character during the mission? (If possible, do you have a general idea of what classes any of the teammate AI or if there's a lack of classes or something?)
What mission(s) or objectives did you have trouble with AI?
What did the friendly bots do?
What did the enemy bots do?
For me, I noticed something: Both sides of the AI were obsessed with getting the Command Posts, lol!
A big problem I had playing Security on Normal was getting the datakey. My teammates were of various classes, and I had a Medium, sometimes Heavy Medic guy.
My team went running and scattering like cockroaches. The 2 operatives went straight for the main objectives and a couple of Soldiers and a Medic or two followed.
However, the rest of my team (some Engineers and others Soldiers) were just running around into enemies haphazardly and wandering around and I think some of them even got lost or something.
Then, I kept hearing from this one guy talking, "The Enemy has captured the Command Post! Capture the Command Post", etc, and I noticed some of my teammates and some
of the enemy bots were OBSESSED with getting the Command Post at one point (I can't remember if it was Health or Supplies).
Since my teammates were obsessing over the Command Post and I was near a Command Post (with an Enemy right there hacking into it in front of me and not noticing me, hehe), I decided to capture the Command Post.
Big mistake (or could I have used that as an opportunity? Hmmmm). The Enemy AI kind of freaked out---they send quite a few assassins after me while I was trying to take one of the Command Posts, lol! So, of course, I ended up dying because the teammate AI (2-3?) that were with me decided to abandon me at that moment (wow, it's like they were planning for me to take the fall!

And, whenever I got the datakey in that one mission, my AI teammates scatter away from me for some reason! So then, I allowed one of the teammate AI Operatives get the
datakey. You know what he does? He goes rushing into the enemy again while the enemy AI are all gung-ho on ambushing him, while my Teammate AI (of various classes) are scattered around, doing who knows what. (Maybe they were capturing that same Command Post again, lol?)
Only 2-3 (An Engineer or an Operative, a Soldier or a Medic) of my guys would actually kind of follow whoever has the datakey....sometimes. But if I myself touched that datakey? They are gone, except for a Medic and an Engineer guy (who tend to die pretty fast if I didn't heal them)!
Then, they would shoot at the enemy AI (who tend to travel in groups---two at the very least--all of the time, I swear), but the dude with the datakey would often die whenever he's really, really close to reaching his destination. Guess what happens after the dude dies? Yup, the datakey is rubber-banned somewhere on the other side of the map, lol.
My Medics do try to throw me syringes whenever they could, but they don't look before running into gunfire and thus die 3 feet away from my dying body, lol!
The teammate AI do occasionally cover me and attack the enemy, but for the most part, they are the ones dying a lot and I hear, "I need a Medic! Where are our Medics?! MEDIC!!!!!!!!!!!!" all of the time! There were several times when about 5-6 of my teammates were dying in one room area, hehe! :laugh: So it ended up being me vs. enemy bots. Guess who won that one?
Finally, I'll add that enemy AI bots LOVE to camp near primary objectives (like about 5-6 of them would be hanging around the hacking areas, etc), while
they send some of their members to go capture Command Posts every once in a while, lol!
And this is just from playing for about maybe 4 and 1/2 hours? Right now I'm at level 9 and it seems my teammate bots less smarter now....?
Ack! Sorry for typing so much. I'm a rambler sometimes. :sweat: