I realise that other posts mention this issue but I wanted to make this a genuine, open request for a very simple key adjustment and properly explain why myself and so many other left-handed players are feeling frustrated with this game.
Let me first say that I think Fallout 4 is an excellently crafted work and I am not interested in suggesting boycotts or insighting a flame war against the developers.
That being said, I want to ask Bethesda to please release a patch for the PC version so that the numeric keypad can be used to remap controls. Playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas I used this pad for movement, crouching, jumping, action and even for V.A.T.S. Whatever these keys are 'reserved' for has absolutely no impact on my game whatsoever and I would be infinitely happier with access to these buttons rather than being forced to ignore them for a mandatory function which I never use. Indeed this was precisely the problem I had with Skyrim before this game, however in Skyrim I found that the emphasis on Melee combat for my character meant it was not as much of an issue and so I was able to substitute an Xbox 360 contorller. I'm quite sure that Xbox One or Playstation 4 users would be equally frustrated if a vital element of their control scheme was inexplicably cut off from use.
I would like to make the final point that this is quite unfair to left-handed players as we pay the same price for the game as the majority of players who are right-handed.
Please release a patch to rectify this oversight as soon as possible,
Kind Regards,