When Crysis 2 first came out I didn't think much of it...
No Dx11, Pirates on multiplayer, no mods, numerous amounts of issues with the multiplayer, etc etc...
But the thing that used to piss me off the most was the fact that it felt like a console port.
Now, Today a friend of mine came over and he told me he'd bring crysis 2 with him for the PS3.
For that reason I reinstalled Crysis on my PC and started playing a bit again to get the feel of crysis back.
When my friend got here and popped in the Crysis disc I was kinda exited to find out how Crysis looks on the PS3.
What I saw however was absolutely mindblowing...
Crysis 2 on the PC is just infinity times better

Graphicly Crysis 2 multiplayer looks like monkey **** that was eaten by a dog and shat back out...
Sure it was the same game but honestly... being used to the PC version I couldn't bring myself to keep playing the PS3 version because my eyes would start to bleed...
So I'm kinda happy with Crysis 2 on the PC now...

Can't believe that I've been this upset with crysis, thinking it was a massive port from the console version.
So Crytek...
I'm very sorry I've been such a butthurt little twat...
Crysis 2 on the PC is just wonderful and I like it