A Cursed Existence has reached the point of an epilogue, the story that I as the GM set out to tell, told. What remains is the personal journey of the three fledglings of Feng, the vampire, whose tale can be read in the on-going epilogue thread. AyumiFan insisted on an open OOC, and thus I added it to the title, inviting all of you to share your thoughts of this one-year long haul, which had been to be, an amazing journey as an RPer and GM. I thank everyone who took the time to read, even small bits of it, and an even greater thanks to you who made it possible. Thank you AyumiFan, dovakhin, Smig and SonOfSithis for an amazing RP.
May the epilogue-thread bring future feelings for us all and a closure to these troubles souls!
RP-thread 1: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1482672-a-cursed-existence-rp-thread/
RP-thread 2: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1503778-a-cursed-existence-rp-thread-ii/
Epilogue: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1510430-a-cursed-existence-the-epilogue/
OOC1: www.gamesas.com/topic/1482637-a-cursed-existence-rp-sign-up-and-ooc/
OOC2: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1488795-a-cursed-existence-rp-sign-up-and-ooc-2/
OOC3: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1504176-a-cursed-existence-rp-ooc-3/