I'm having this issue randomly, sometimes happens, sometimes don't but is something that happens 80% of the time. When I point something to something that is up like first item on I can see "Windows" cursor at the top of the screen, when that happens, even if I can look around and move normally, when I try to click (like shooting) it does nothing and after several clicks, I end up at clicking at my desktop; is like the cursor falls out of the game to interact with the desktop. So, whenever I point up like watching the sky or something similar, is like the cursor goes out of the game, I can still move around but the clicking part doesn't work (right click to zoom or left click to shoot) and the clicks interact with the desktop, producing an "alt+tab" action like, I can go back to the game but it's annoying since sometimes I'm in the middle of a fight and I can't shot.
Any idea how to fix this?