Curtain Call questions

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:08 am

Hey I'm finishing up my curtain call quest and I'm noticing a lot of bugs after i release Rex and Strong. Could not find a post for the life of me so if someone could help that'd be much appreciated. So the problems I'm having is when we go on the first lift after opening the cage one of two things happens here. Number 1, dogmeat refuses to get on the platforms even though i command him to walk on it and stay he won't even get near it for some reason, number 2, Rex stays on the platform and will not move or he will be in a flee position crouched on the ground with his hands over his head(dialogue will not work my character only says "Rex" and he does not respond). Been having trouble because i had to go back to a prior save because dogmeat got stuck in an inaccessible area and i couldn't get him out. Any solutions?

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Pawel Platek
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:32 am


I gave some advise for the Rex problem in this thread:

This is how it worked for me, dont know if it did for the person.

You can basically push him to the little metal opening of the second elevator, jump passed him and press the button, the door piece will then close up and pull rex into the elevator, making him "active" again too.

Hope that helps.

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danni Marchant
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:21 pm

thanks man definitely helped

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Sierra Ritsuka
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