» Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:20 am
Okay since someone asked the question again I'd like to expand on the outfit customization.
But first, the poll:
1) Will the game, Brink, ever have the option to use REAL money to buy things in the game (guns, outfits, accessories, etc.)? I believe this is a bad thing because then people who use their money have an advantage over players who don't.
Well, I don't know what the developers plan to do with DLC or micro-transactions. I guess we will have to wait and see.
3) Will you be able to make your own, unique weapon? Fire bullets...?
Well, yes and no. I believe most weapons have 4-6 slots to upgrade, unless it is a mini-gun. But even then I'm not sure.
As far as Fire Bullets? Well, theres the incendiary ammo from the Soldier.
4) A little off topic, but how many maps will there be? And will we, the members, have any say in what you add?
How many maps? Like 10 I think. And we don't know how much access we will get as server admins on PC so, not sure yet.
Now, for the outfits.
2) How many possible custimizations will there be in the game? Any specific types? Psycho, animal, death, cute n' cuddly?
Well, as said, there will be the archetype costumes. But what has not been mentioned officially is that there are additional costume unlocks as well. What they are? How you get them? Are they event items and such?
Heck if I know. But I'd rather them be in game already.