I have been lurking here for awhile and recently upgraded my home computer (Q9450, 260GTX Core 216, etc) so was looking into restarting/ reinstalling Oblivion. I had the usual FCOM, Qarl 3R, and more going and was working ok. Updating them made it less stable. SO a reinstall is in order. I am not a modder, just a player who is not interested in vanilla Oblivion. I was using FCOM helper then BOSS for orders. OBMM and Bash as well. Bain seems like a good idea and I figured I get to learning it. I have read quite a few things on it but seem to be missing some basics. And so I risk the flames

The packages, such as 00Core etc are merely folders with various files in them (ie textures, meshes esps etc) correct?
So I unzip a mod somplace (other than in data) reorganize such as your posts here indicate and place in the bain folder.
Then, in Bain, I can select parts (folders) to install or not? Have to Aneal? anything else? I have read things such as Wrye's site where a bunch of commands are possible, but not if they are necessary (modders makers tools vs mod players tools?). Before w/ Bash I ordered stuff, added tags, bash patched it, and then used OBMM to do something automatically when it closed (I forgot the term now and am not where I can look).
Then I ocassionally read of PyFFI and tes4edit etc and defrag. I know almost nothing of the pffy and tes4edit, I am assuming the are more of a modder's resource. Defrag, I can handle

What am I missing? There a basic BAIN users post or site out there. Preferably w/ pictures

I am not even sure if this it the best place to post this but it has been one of the most educational posts I have read on Bain.