World Texture Replacer BAIN Compilation
-=TOTO World Textures in one archive=-
For the Obsessive Compulsive
After some thinking and looking at what was available for texture replacers that cover similar things as QTPIII ? the world textures as described here: I think I've found a way to be able to layer in many different texture packs while minimizing conflicts.
My system is pretty good (not that I'm braggin) but with a 1 gig vRam ATI card, Quad core 2.6, 8 gigs of ram, Velociraptor HD and on a 28" monitor (which makes this game so freakin cool) ? I cannot even touch regular QTP III. It is just too much and then add to that anything like better LOD or RAEVWD and all the scripts from FCOM and other things ? it is just a crash-fest for me. I've tried Redimized and even that is intensive and unstables my game. This OMOD was a find for me: it also has a great script for installation. Within it one finds the original Redimized version and then three levels of further reduction. The omod makes you choose a level of reduction and adds ground shaders (which BAIN does not yet handle). So making a BAIN of this alone is worthwhile.
I wanted more, however, I found that when I'm within ANY interiors my game never gives me any grief ? none. It is when I'm sweating my rig by being outdoors with 4096 LOD, RAEVWD, QTPIII, FCOM, UL and all the rest that I get the most problems. Why not then have it so that I could choose to have really high quality texture inside where my FPS was good and then reduced textures outdoors? Seemed it was just a matter of dividing up the folder in each one so that it would be easier to pick and choose which textures to use. Then I could also add in textures from other packs such as Bomret, CorePC, Adense, and others.
The way I found around the issue of QTP III Redimized and Reduced not having full texture sets within each reduction was to extract R&R then copy to another folder each successive reduction - so ... The second then had the low reduction meshes and textures installed over the Redimzed. I then repeated this process (copying from the previous folder and then adding in reductions) for each set so that I had a folder for each set that contained what would be a full installs version of each reduction. Was their redundancies ? yes, increase the size of the project ? yes. The reason is I did not want to have to remember whether I overwrote the right sub-package upon installing. So I did all that work up front. I did take notes about what was not replaces or negligible. This brought
Next I then divided up the folders into what was being textured/replaced. This was done because I also wanted to add in other texturers work. Most of them have only textures one area such as caves or Ayleid Ruins. By separating the sub-packages into categories this way it made choosing which textures to use much more simple (rather than trying to remember if I got all the categories covered. Sources for Qarl III:
I found some weird legacy in the R&R Omod though ? it contained armor and Weapon Textures (must be mistake ? removed them). Also it had Reductions to the Arena even though Arena textures are not included in Redimized version (not sure what to make of that ? not even full QTPIII had that). for QTP III in all its forms (this only makes sense once you look into all the QTP retextures):
Architecture contains architecture folder, Qarl (Chorrol door?) and Wood (as it mostly was worked) textures.
Clutter contains only clutter textures.
Landscape contains landscape folder, Sky (only Snow), Plants (Butterflys?) textures
Rocks Contain only those meshes and textures
Dungeon Base contains Fort Ruins, Misc, Chargen (prisons) meshes and textures [I found no retextures of fort ruins?]
Ayleid Ruins contains only those meshes and textures
Caves Contain only those meshes and textures
Sewers contain only those meshes and textures
---if you don't see an option it is because the differences between the differing levels of reduction didn't exist or were negligible at best. If a version does not lower certain textures then it would be default have included the textures of the next higher level. I considered then adding in the full version of dungeon interiors, but they seemed the exact same size as the redimzed version, so I left that alone. After Qarls there is only one combination of texture replacers that could compete for comprehensiveness: CorePCs vibrant textures combines with Bomrets Detailed Normal maps. What I did was extract this and overwrote with this (mostly just the landscape folder) then added Core's various retextures (the color to Bomrets normal maps): I also took out CorePC's Plants a and trees and the a few other things to put into another BAIN Project that will deal more with the environment. I floowed the same scheme with dividing up this as with Qarls.
Then I included several alternate version of world textures that covered only parts of the world. By now it might make sense why I divided up the QTPIII and CorePC textures into what is retextured. These often come with their own normal maps and meshes and I did not want to get them mixed up So when I choose Koldorn's Ayleid Ruins ? I'm getting only that and no bleed over from Qarl's meshes.
10 Architecture ? Bomrets Normal Maps
10 Architecture ? Bomrets & CorePC Vibrant
10 Architecture ? QTP III R&R High Reduction
10 Architecture ? QTP III R&R Medium Reduction
10 Architecture ? QTP III R&R Low Reduction
10 Architecture ? QTP III Redimized
15 Architecture SI ? Bomrets SI Textures
15 Architecture SI ? CorePC Textures
20 Clutter ? Bomrets Normal Maps
20 Clutter ? Bomrets & CorePC Vibrant
20 Clutter - QTP III R&R High Reduction
20 Clutter - QTP III R&R Medium Reduction
20 Clutter - QTP III Redimized
25 Clutter SI ? Bomrets SI Textures;9883347;/fileinfo.html
25 Clutter SI ? CorePC SI Vibrant SI
30 Landscape ? Bomrets Normal Maps for Hi Rez
30 Landscape ? Bomrets & CorePC Vibrant
30 Landscape ? Jarrod Textures
30 Landscape ? QTP III R&R High Reduction
30 Landscape ? QTP III R&R Medium Reduction
30 Landscape ? QTP III Redimized
35 Landscape SI ? Bomrets SI Textures
35 Landscape SI ? CorePC Vibrant SI
40 Rocks ? Bomrets Normal Maps
40 Rocks ? Bomrets & CorePC Vibrant
40 Rocks ? Jarrods Rocks
40 Rocks ? QTP III R&R High Reduction
40 Rocks ? QTP III R&R Medium Reduction
40 Rocks ? QTP III Redimized
45 Rocks SI ? Bomrets SI Textures
45 Rocks SI ? CorePC Vibrant SI
50 Dungeon Base ? Bomrets Normal Maps
50 Dungeon Base ? Bomrets & CorePC Vibrant
50 Dungeon Base ? QTP III R&R High Reduction
50 Dungeon Base ? QTP III R&R Low Reduction
50 Dungeon Base ? QTP III R&R Medium Reduction
50 Dungeon Base ? QTP III Redimized
55 Dungeons SI - Bomrets SI Textures
55 Dungeons SI ? CorePC Vibrant SI
60 Ayleid Ruins ? Adense Darker Ruins from
60 Ayleid Ruins ? Bomrets Normal Maps
60 Ayleid Ruins ? Bomrets & CorePC Vibrant
60 Ayleid Ruins ? Caeno Cleaner ruins from
60 Ayleid Ruins ? Isathar Ruins from
60 Ayleid Ruins ? Koldorn
60 Ayleid Ruins ? QTP III R&R High Reduction
60 Ayleid Ruins ? QTP III R&R Medium Reduction
60 Ayleid Ruins ? QTP III Redimized
70 Caves ? Adense Darker Caves from
70 Caves ? Bomrets Normal Maps
70 Caves ? Bomrets & CorePC Vibrant
70 Caves ? Koldorn Caves version I
70 Caves ? Koldorn Caves version II
70 Caves ? Oberscht Abnormal Caves
70 Caves ? QTP III R&R High Reduction
70 Caves ? QTP III Redimized
70 Caves ? Ryu Dopler Caves
80 Sewers ? Bomrets Normal Maps
80 Sewers ? Bomrets & CorePC Vibrant
80 Sewers ? Kolodrn Sewers I
80 Sewers ? Koldorn Sewers II
80 Sewers ? QTP III R&R High Reduction
80 Sewers ? QTP III Redimized
90 Oblivion Plane ? Bomrets Normal Maps
For SI there is not as many options ? Bomret has had his SI textures up for a while and only recently has CorePC put up his own. I divided them, but there are less divisions. If anyone knows of another SI retexture - let me know!
For the Oblivion Plane I only found that Bomrets Normal Maps covered that, and one other mod ? Blue Oblivion, which paints the Oblivion Plane dark blue: since it required an esp to run I chose not to include it. If anyone knows of other texture replacers for Oblivion ? let me know
Now the next step was to test and here are some examples:
In these shots ...
Architecture by Qarl
Ruins by Adense
Landscape by Jarrod (like these roads a lot)
Rocks by CorePC/Bomret
LOD Qarl Compressed 4096+ Better Tiling for Qarl 4096
HTF 3 Noise Replacer
Diverse Grasses
In these shots ... (well the road in this one looks like Jarrod)
Architecture&Landscape by Bomrets/CorePC
Ruins by Caeno
Rocks by Jarrod
LOD Qarl Compressed 4096+Diverse Grasses 4096
Koldorns Strong Noise Replacer
Diverse Grasses
In these Shots...
Architecture by Bomret/CorePC
Ruins by Koldorn with matching RAEVWD
Rocks by Qarl
Landscape by Bomret (just the normals)
Rocks by Qarl
LOD Qarl 4096+CorePC Vibrant 2048
CorePC Noise Replacer
Diverse Grasses
I can say I'm not a big fan of Qarls roads, Jarrods were best (to me). CorePC has done some really great textures ? I hope to see higher resolutions in the future. Overall though -to be honest- nothing looks as good up close as Qarls. They all look pretty good from far away ? even Jarrod's rocks.
With this now I can set high textures for interiors (well dungeons) and moderate textures for exteriors as well as by using my LOD compilation above I can adjust that as well ... always remembering teslodgen and defrag (which I do at least daily) ? within minutes (OK sometimes 10s of minutes <_< ).
The final thing to do would be to go through and create my very own favorites texture pack pickin and choosing exactly what I wanted from each. If I get into it enough I could separate out the architecture interiors from the exteriors. This though, I think, will satisfy me for the time I'm playing this game ...

Final size is a humongous: 6.57 GB using 7zip, non-solid, at maximum compression. Not something you could easily post (well you could in incremental sections). But if only a BAIN variant of QTP III Redimized and Reduced it may only come out to about 2 maybe 2.5 GB. I will likely not be doing many more giant one's like this and may after a time find that sweet spot for looks, performance, and preference then cut the rest out. With this and all the above plus about 40 bain installs my installers tab takes on an average of 40 seconds to initialize (obviously some systems may vary).
Once again all thanks should go to the modders.