Summary: I want to make a custom armor set that re-uses the meshes from the apprentice mage robes and hood. Somehow my meshes are broken- they show up fine in NifSkope but the clothing is invisible on the actor when equipped.
How I approached it: I started out by looking up the MageApprenticeAA (armor addon) and saw that it uses the mesh Clothes\MageApprentice\MageApprenticeRobes_1.nif for the Biped Model. I extracted this mesh, put my texture on it, then made my own AA with my mesh selected. As I said, it shows up fine in NifSkope.
I did the same thing for the hood.
When I launched the game, the robes worked, but the hood was invisible, and the character had a huge bald spot. I googled this and it seemed to be an issue when an item is listed as HEAD rather than HAIR in the biped model section, but mine was indeed listed as hair, as I directly copied the mesh, AA, and armor objects from the original, only changing the necessary data.
In the CK, I made a test actor and outfit with my stuff- but now *both* items show up invisible. I can't figure out what I'm missing.
I think at this point it might be easier to start over and follow a tutorial. However, all the "custom armor" tutorials I found were about creating the actual 3D models, but I don't need to do that. I just want to reusing some existing ones, change their textures and stats. I don't want to override the default texture files, although that would be easier.