Default Xbox 360 controls:
RT = shoot
LT = aim
LB = sprint/SMART
RB = grenade
X = action/use (give ammo, give health, interact, etc.)
B = crouch
Y = switch weapons
A = jump
LS = buff self (give self ammo, health, etc.)
RS = melee
Up = Objective wheel
Left, Right, Down = class abilities
We know there will be several alternative pre-sets, and additionally that the controller configuration is *completely customizable* (thanks Splash Damage!). :spotted owl:
Clearly, we have not played Brink yet. After release we can talk about the configurations we *are* using. Before then we can talk about the configurations we *anticipate* using.
I primary play Battlefield games, with sprint = LS and crouch = RS. However, interviews have specifically said that having sprint/SMART = LS can make parkour moves more difficult (thumb dexterity is lost while holding down LS to sprint). I generally would like to use the default controls, but whenever I try to play a game with melee = RS I get myself killed trying to knife someone (usually across the map) when I am really trying to duck behind cover.
Today I thought of a configuration I might try: RS = crouch and LS = jump (using A and B for buff self and melee).
Conceptually, I *really* like having all movement-related activities under my thumbs. But I believe SP when they discourage having sprint/SMART = LS. By placing LS = jump, then both SMART-related controls (jump and crouch) will be under my thumbs (LS and RS, respectively). It remains to be seen whether that will work better/worse than having those activities attached to buttons (A, B). But on the surface, prior to playing the game, it seems like a possible to solution to my own control preferences.